CHAPTER 5Leadership

“Business leadership, business acumen, and business strategy development—these three areas of expertise are considered non‐negotiable: they are essential for success in any C‐Suite position.”

—Omar Ishrak, former CEO, Medtronic

When you think back on the seasons of your life, from childhood through your teenage years to college and then your working career, who were the best leaders you've experienced? Perhaps a math teacher, scout leader, basketball coach, English professor, or your first manager. What makes them memorable? Can you recall something they said to you, maybe even in passing, that changed your life?

A leader can change the trajectory of our lives. Leaders challenge us to dig deep and bring forth our best efforts on a daily basis. Leaders clear a path through the jungle of the urgent, irrelevant, and unimportant so we can focus on the few tasks and decisions that matter. Leaders speak the truth, act with empathy, and put our needs ahead of theirs. How many real leaders do you know?

Leadership can be defined as setting direction and serving others to achieve goals. The best leaders practice the concept of servant leadership by ensuring their people are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively perform their functions. Inherently, a leader must articulate a destination, a vision, and goals that concentrate the team's resources into progress and achievement. The importance of leadership is clear: a study of two million managers ...

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