An illustration depicts five performance models. It includes performance opportunity, control and monitoring, effectiveness and efficiency, reporting flow, and measurements.

The hero maker

As everybody goes though the strategy, my personal favorite way to apply the lifecycle of a strategy with Executive teams is called the “Hero's Journey.”

This is a guided step‐by‐step path to make strategy + execution stick. The Hero's journey is a common narrative archetype based on Carl Jung's pattern of the Greek mythology of Perseus integrated with the key activities required across the six strategy execution lifecycle.

The Hero's Journey in which you as the character ventures into unknown territory of strategy to become a strategy execution hero.

The story involves a hero who goes on an adventure, explores new worlds, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge, and then returns home transformed.

Facing challenges, conflict, and adversity, the hero ultimately triumphs before returning home, transformed. There are the three stages of the hero's journey:

THE DEPARTURE of the familiar ordinary present world.

THE INITIATION ventures into an unknown world, representing the future, and is birthed into a true champion through various trials and challenges.

THE RETURN in triumph to become a change of change and restore the order of a new era.

The hero journey is inside of you, open the mystery of yourself to undergo inner and outer transformation ...

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