Chapter 11
Stress-Resilient Values, Goals, and Attitudes
In This Chapter
Recognizing how your values and goals create stress
Discovering what’s important to you
Finding your sense of humor
Seeing the value in helping others
Adding a spiritual dimension
Just as your thinking plays an important role in creating (and relieving) your stress, your values, goals, and attitudes can increase or decrease the amount of stress in your life. This chapter helps you identify and clarify your personal values and goals and shows you how you can create more stress-resilient ways of looking at your world.
Recognizing the Value of Your Values
“What,” you may ask, “have my values and attitudes got to do with the stress in my life?” The answer is, “Lots.” Your personal values and your overall philosophy of life play a major role in determining your stress level. What you think is important and what you value act together in often subtle yet important ways to either protect you from stress or make your ...
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