Chapter 4What allows us to strive

So far I’ve built a case for the importance of striving. Striving is the state in which humans feel most alive and fulfilled. Striving is taking deliberate action towards a meaningful goal, vision or aspiration that requires you to be courageous and evolve in the face of the struggle that is inherit in the strive. Now let’s look at how we strive and the elements required.

Striving is taking deliberate action towards a meaningful goal, vision or aspiration that requires you to be courageous and evolve in the face of the struggle that is inherit in the strive.

The most fulfilling part of the striving process for the people in our research was when they overcame the struggle that inevitably came up during the strive. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If we are going to strive and achieve something or stand for something, that will come with a shit tonne of struggle. Whenever you strive, there will always be struggle. Struggle is inherent in any type of growth. However, don’t worry because this little cloud has a very silver lining. Overcoming struggle feels really, really, really good. And it is so satisfying because it requires us to display courage and to evolve (meaning develop new skills and capacity) into a better version of yourself in order to fulfil the strive.

Striving = courage + evolution

The two elements of striving—courage and evolution—are critically important. First, let’s look at courage.

The benefit of being courageous

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