Chapter 8. Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

This chapter illustrates how you can use an accessory camera flash (or two or three), combined with affordable reflector/ diffuser kits, for professional studio lighting. We're giving you the basics here. It's up to you to create your own unique technique and style.

By the way, you'll notice we take our flashes and our diffusers on location to the Explorers Club (where Rick is a member) in New York City for pictures in the Club's Trophy Room. The trophies shown have been in the Club for decades; neither of us have ever hunted, and we don't promote it.

In fact, Rick is an ardent conservationist. He's written books on marine conservation (including Seven Underwater Wonders of the World) and has served as president of CEDAM International (Conservation, Education, Diving and Marine Research) for more than 20 years.

Tools of the Trade

Basic Diffuser Setup

The beauty of using diffusers and camera flashes is that they can help you produce portraits with a nice soft touch. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at a basic setup for diffusers/flashes.

On the left is the main light source, placed above the subject's eye level and at a 45-degree angle to the subject; it's set at full power. The flash is placed about three feet behind a diffuser. The diffuser increases the effective size of the ...

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