Chapter 3. Finding Your Way Around Sugar
In This Chapter
The Sugar Home page
Working with User Preferences
Changing passwords
After getting the hang of maneuvering in SugarCRM, you'll find that it's an amazingly easy program to master. The key is to become familiar with the lay of the land before you start building your database. By doing so, you avoid playing hide-and-seek later. Although initially getting around in SugarCRM is pretty easy, you might become lost in the maze of views and tabs that Sugar is divided into. I help you navigate through that maze by taking you on a Sugar tour so that you can become familiar with the various sweet screens.
There's No Place Like Home
The purpose of this book is to serve as a reference for both new and existing SugarCRM users. I certainly don't want to lose anyone along the way. New Sugar users might be somewhat intimidated when they encounter Sugar for the first time. Be assured that this experience is akin to the first time you drive a new car at night in the rain — momentary panic sets in. After you've driven the car for a week or so, the location of the light and windshield wiper controls becomes second nature. I guarantee you'll have the same experience with Sugar.
Navigating through Sugar is fairly easy. However, to make the navigating even easier, 1 highlight throughout this section a number of pitfalls that you want to avoid.
When you first open your Sugar Web site, you land smack in the middle of the Home page. The Home page is divided ...
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