Chapter 15. Adding an Extra Lump of Sugar

In This Chapter

  • Wandering into the Sugar Studio

  • Adding and editing custom form fields

  • Editing field values

  • Changing layouts

  • Modifying drop-down lists

  • Using Sugar's Module Builder

  • Changing module tabs

In this chapter, I show you (that is, all of you who have Administrator rights to your databases) not only how to add new fields to a SugarCRM database, but also how to set the various field parameters to help users use the database more effectively and efficiently. After you add a field, you want to put it somewhere so that it's visible to all of your users. I show you how to maintain consistency in your database by using drop-down lists. Finally, if you have a specific need that isn't addressed by the existing Sugar modules, I show you how to add one.

Creating Your Own Unique Database

For many of you, the modules and their fields that come with Sugar are more than enough to run your business. If that's the case, feel free to skip this chapter. However, many of you like to do things in your own unique fashion. Fortunately for you, Sugar includes the ability to make changes to modules, fields, drop-down lists, and even layouts directly from within the Sugar program. And, by doing so, you can create a customized solution for your business that would probably cost you tens of thousands of dollars if you were to hire an outside programmer to create the whole thing "from scratch."


To make structural changes, you must be a database administrator; the ...

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