▾ Preparing for Integration

To prepare for integration:

Make sure your mailsrv user is assigned to a $HOME directory and that it has write permissions to server-root/msg-hostname.
Create /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group entries for the majordomo user. Example password entries:
iplanet:x:1002:101:iPlanet Servers:/opt/iplanet:/bin/ksh
ldapsrv:x:1003:101:Directory Server User:/opt/iplanet:/bin/ksh
mailsrv:x:1004:101:Messaging Server User:/opt/iplanet/msg-maxima:/bin/ksh
icsuser:x:1005:101:Calendar Server User:/opt/iplanet/SUNWics5:/bin/ksh
listsrv:x:1006:101:Mailing List Manager:/opt/iplanet:/usr/bin/csh
majordom:x:91:91:Mailing List Manager:/opt/majordom:/usr/bin/bash
Shadow entry:
Group entries:
 majordom::91:mailsrv ...

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