Chapter 10Case 5: Making Work-Life Balance Decisions

Claudio Feser, David Redaschi, and Karolin Frankenberger

Isabelle wondered why ATG's transformation was stalling and what she could do about it. She was concerned that ATG was losing both momentum and its competitive edge in the niche of experience-oriented, personalized travel.

She looked at the four options using the Decision Navigator and building on the insights of the last discussion with Eve (Figure 10.1).

Her fourth option for accelerating change was the most convincing, but, even so, she was concerned that it wouldn't work. So far, change management hadn't been ATG's forte. She wasn't very optimistic about whether the company could mobilize its employees to promote and sell its new products and services. Also, using incentives and the like seemed risky. What if they didn't work?

Isabelle asked Carlo, the board chairman, to sit down with her, and she shared her concerns with him. She confessed that she wondered why ATG's employees didn't seem to share her enthusiasm for becoming a leading tour operator in Europe, in terms of growth, customer loyalty, and profitability. The goal seemed so clear and meaningful to her.

A diagram of the six-step decision navigator with a solution for case 4. It contains five steps. Dilemma, options, assumptions, facts, optimization, and resolution.

Figure 10.1 Six-step Decision Navigator for Case 4.

“Should we launch the new service offerings as a separate business unit, just to get us moving?” she asked, “Or should I perhaps, as a consultant ...

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