Appendix F

Building Blocksof the RFFFuture Cost Model


In constructing our model to estimate the future cost of actions taken at current and future National Priorities List (NPL) sites, we have developed a number of building blocks:

  • site types;
  • unit costs of Fund-lead actions at NPL sites;
  • durations of major actions and phases of cleanup at NPL sites; and
  • leads of major actions at NPL sites.

Each of these building blocks is described below, as is the manner in which we adjust past expenditures into constant FY 1999 dollars and adjust FY 1999 dollars for inflation.

RFF Site Types

We code each NPL site as one of 11 site types in the RFF site-level dataset. Most of the sites were previously characterized by site type in a 1995 RFF database. ...

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