CHAPTER 8Shock Trauma Surgery Teams: A Compare and Contrast View

“I mean the reason I went into surgery is because I wanted to ride in on my white horse and save the day. I'm coming with my white horse and you better get out of my way because I'm going to save your life. Everybody who goes into this area does so because we want to save. So, when we lose it sucks. I hate that. If you're just as good as I am, you're not good enough. Your job is to be better than me.”

—Andre Campbell, MD

Teams have different leadership styles and many ways to collaborate internally with other advisor teams, collaborating with a client's team of advisors, and collaborating with other specialty teams that may reside in other locations. We examined what could be learned from teams outside the realm of financial services. There are many teams that the financial services industry can emulate to improve leadership, collaboration, and performance. In fact, Wharton management professor Katherine Klein, PhD, conducted a 10‐month study of surgery teams in Baltimore to fully understand surgical/trauma teams. The study was presented in a paper titled “A Leadership System for Emergency Action Teams: Rigid Hierarchy and Dynamic Flexibility,” co‐authored by Klein; Jonathan C. Ziegert, a visiting scholar at Wharton; Andrew P. Knight, a Wharton doctoral student; and Yan Xiao, a professor and lead researcher at the School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore. A compare and contrast view of trauma teams ...

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