Chapter 5

Success Footprints

One of the first keys to success is leveraging the superpower of goal setting. Get clear on what you want to do, be, have, or become. Do you really know where you want to go? Whether you're reading this for improvements in your personal life or business success, it's important to have a clear destination. Do you have a clear vision? Do you know what success looks like, I mean, really looks like? If the answer is no, don't panic. I'm going to give you a few strategies and recommendations to point you in the right direction so you can get some clarity on what you want and how to achieve it. But even with a clear vision and goals, your mission is to identify, develop, and begin using your superpowers to help you get to your goals quicker and more easily than you've ever imagined. Rather than grabbing at every bright, shiny object that passes through your field of vision, set your sights on your target, and keep your focus clear.

Everyone defines success using different criteria. To be empowered, you need to buy into goals that resonate for you at a gut level. If you're trying to achieve goals set for you by other people, you most likely get short-term results. To get long-term, sustainable results, you have to get a clear outcome and understand the purpose of the goal and the specific action steps necessary to help you achieve that goal. Having learned goal setting at a young age, I just assumed that everybody understood how to set goals and achieve them. ...

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