Chapter 5

Digging into Supplier Diversity within the Organization


Bullet Checking out the many facets of the supplier diversity professional’s role

Bullet Discovering the relationships between supplier diversity and other departments

Bullet Recognizing how supplier diversity can play a part in each stage of procurement

Bullet Being prepared for and resolving conflicts

Before you can effectively manage an initiative, you have to understand the role it’ll play within the organization. Many organizations have or plan to start supplier diversity programs, but often they fail to consider how these initiatives will work within the organization. This lack of planning makes fully integrating the program into the organization and getting buy-in difficult. This chapter takes a deeper dive into supplier diversity within the organization: the many roles required of the supplier diversity professional, how supplier diversity works within the organization and specifically the procurement process, and what the potential conflicts and resolutions are.

Understanding the Role of the Supplier Diversity Professional ...

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