Supply Chain Management Talent Development: Acquire, Develop, and Advance Processes

Book description

At a time when supply chain management (SCM) is gaining stature within the organization, many companies face a critical supply chain talent void due to years of headcount reduction, training budget cuts, and the retirement of highly skilled individuals. Supply Chain Management Talent Development: Acquire, Develop, and Advance Processes gives supply chain leaders and managers a framework for hiring talented professionals with skills that are core to the organization’s SCM mission, analyzing the organizational strategies for SCM training and education, and creating innovative plans that foster greater retention of supply chain professionals. This publication is authored by CSCMP, the premiere organization of the supply chain management industry.

Table of contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. SCM Talent Development: The Acquire Process
    1. SCM Talent Development: The Acquire Process
      1. Foreword: SCM Talent Development Study
    2. Table of Contents
    3. List of Figures
    4. List of Tables
    5. Executive Summary: SCM Talent Development
      1. Talent Acquisition: The Foundation of a Successful SCM Team
        1. Skill Requirements Identification
        2. Talent Sourcing and Recruiting Methods
        3. Interviewing and Hiring Practices
      2. Talent Acquisition: Leading Practices
    6. Introduction: The Acquire Process
    7. Essential Insights: Required Skills
      1. Desired Skills for SCM Professionals
        1. Skills by Career Level
        2. Skills by Company Type and Size
      2. Market Availability of Required Skills
      3. Future Skills Requirements
      4. Skills Summary
    8. Essential Insights: SCM Talent Sourcing and Recruiting
      1. Talent Sourcing Strategy
      2. Recruiting Methods Used
      3. Recruiting Method Effectiveness
        1. Effectiveness by Management Level and Company Type
      4. Talent Sourcing and Recruiting Summary
    9. Essential Insights: SCM Hiring Practices
      1. Hiring Roles Strategy
      2. Interviewing Methods Used
      3. Interviewing Method Effectiveness
        1. Effectiveness by Company Type
      4. Hiring Summary
    10. Leading Practices in SCM Talent Acquisition
      1. Skills Development
      2. Recruiting Practices
      3. Hiring Methods
      4. Summary
    11. Appendix A—Study Methodology
      1. Literature Review
      2. Expert Interviews
      3. Website Analysis
      4. Online Questionnaire
        1. Exhibit A-1: Interview and Focus Group Script
      5. Participant Demographics
        1. Exhibit A-2: Demographic Characteristics of Online Questionnaire Participants
    12. Appendix B—Survey Questions and Selected Results
    13. Appendix C—Leading Practice Cases
      1. Case 1: Strategic University Alliances
        1. Exhibit C-1: Building Mutually Rewarding Alliances
      2. Case 2: Talent Acquisition via Internships
        1. Exhibit C-2: Detailed Logistics Intern Job Description
        2. Exhibit C-3: Tailored Websites for Recruiting Entry Level SCM Talent
    14. Endnotes
  5. SCM Talent Development: The Develop Process
    1. SCM Talent Development: The Develop Process
      1. Foreword: SCM Talent Development Study
    2. Table of Contents
    3. List of Figures
    4. List of Tables
    5. Executive Summary: SCM Talent Development
      1. Talent Development: Building a Capable, Cohesive SCM Team
        1. Onboarding Supply Chain Professionals
        2. SCM Training and Education Methods
        3. The Individual Guidance of Supply Chain Professionals
      2. Talent Development: Leading Practices
    6. Introduction: The Develop Process
    7. Essential Insights: SCM Onboarding Tactics
      1. Onboarding Program Management
      2. Onboarding Methods Used
      3. Onboarding Method Effectiveness
        1. Effectiveness by Company Type and Size
      4. SCM Onboarding Summary
    8. Essential Insights: SCM Training Methods
      1. Training Structure and Investment
      2. Training Methods Used
      3. Training Method Effectiveness
        1. Effectiveness by Company Type and Size
        2. Positive Impact of SCM Certification
      4. Training Topics Addressed
      5. SCM Training Summary
    9. Essential Insights: SCM Individual Guidance
      1. Individual Development Plans
      2. Mentoring Programs
      3. High Potential Programs
      4. SCM Individual Guidance Summary
    10. Leading Practices in SCM Talent Development
      1. Onboarding Tactics
      2. Training Methods
      3. Individual Guidance
      4. Summary
    11. Appendix A: Study Methodology and Participant Information
      1. Literature Review
      2. Expert Interviews
      3. Website Analysis
        1. Exhibit A-1: Interview and Focus Group Script
      4. Online Questionnaire
      5. Participant Demographics
        1. Exhibit A-2: Demographic Characteristics of Online Questionnaire Participants
    12. Appendix B: Survey Questions and Selected Results
    13. Appendix C: Leading Practice Cases
      1. Case 1: High Potential Development Program
        1. Exhibits C-1a, C-1b and C-1c: Model High Potential Development Programs
      2. Case 2: Individual Development Plans
        1. Exhibit C-2a: Individual Development Plan Components
        2. Exhibit C-2b: Individual Development Plan Template
      3. Case 3: SCM Training Programs
        1. Exhibit C-3: CSCMP SCPro™
    14. Endnotes
  6. SCM Talent Development: The Advance Process
    1. SCM Talent Development: The Advance Process
      1. Foreword: SCM Talent Development Study
    2. Table of Contents
    3. List of Figures
    4. List of Tables
    5. Executive Summary: SCM Talent Development
      1. Talent Advancement: Supporting SCM Leadership Requirements
        1. Career Path Development
        2. Talent Retention
        3. Leadership Succession Planning
      2. Talent Advancement: Leading Practices
    6. Introduction: The Advance Process
    7. Essential Insights: SCM Career Path Availability
      1. Career Path Strategy
      2. Career Path Structure
      3. Engagement and Control
      4. Career Path Success
      5. SCM Career Path Summary
    8. Essential Insights: SCM Retention Methods
      1. SCM Talent Turnover
      2. Retention Improvement Techniques Used
      3. Retention Improvement Technique Effectiveness
      4. Leading Edge Retention Strategies
      5. Retention Summary
    9. Essential Insights: SCM Succession Planning
      1. Succession Planning Strategy
      2. Succession Planning Structure
      3. Succession Planning Tools
      4. Succession Planning Outcomes
      5. Succession Planning Summary
    10. Leading Practices in SCM Talent Advancement
      1. Career Path Availability
      2. Retention Methods
      3. Succession Planning
      4. Supply Chain Implications
      5. Summary
    11. Appendix A—Study Methodology and Participant Information
      1. Literature Review
      2. Expert Interviews
      3. Website Analysis
        1. Exhibit A-1: Interview and Focus Group Script
      4. Online Questionnaire
      5. Participant Demographics
        1. Exhibit A-2: Demographic Characteristics of Online Questionnaire Participants
    12. Appendix B—Survey Questions and Selected Results
    13. Appendix C—Leading Practice Cases
      1. Case 1: Career Paths Programs
        1. Exhibit C-1A: Specialist Career Path Options
        2. Exhibit C-1B: Generalist Career Path Options
        3. Exhibit C-1C: Supply Chain Boundary-Spanning Career Path Options
      2. Case 2: Retention
        1. How SORP! Is Used
        2. Impact of SORP!
      3. Case 3: Succession Planning
    14. Endnotes

Product information

  • Title: Supply Chain Management Talent Development: Acquire, Develop, and Advance Processes
  • Author(s): CSCMP
  • Release date: October 2014
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780134032818