Book description
Biomedical and social science researchers who want to analyze survival data with SAS will find just what they need with this easy-to-read and comprehensive guide. Written for the reader with a modest statistical background and minimal knowledge of SAS software, this book teaches many aspects of data input and manipulation. Numerous examples of SAS code and output make this an eminently practical resource, ensuring that even the uninitiated becomes a sophisticated user of survival analysis. The main topics presented include censoring, survival curves, Kaplan-Meier estimation, accelerated failure time models, Cox regression models, and discrete-time analysis. Also included are topics not usually covered, such as time-dependent covariates, competing risks, and repeated events.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Basic Concepts of Survival Analysis
- Estimating and Comparing Survival Curves with PROC LIFETEST
Estimating Parametric Regression Models with PROC LIFEREG
- Introduction
- The Accelerated Failure Time Model
- Alternative Distributions
- Categorical Variables and the CLASS Statement
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Hypothesis Tests
- Goodness-of-Fit Tests with the Likelihood-Ratio Statistic
- Graphical Methods for Evaluating Model Fit
- Left Censoring and Interval Censoring
- Generating Predictions and Hazard Functions
- The Piecewise Exponential Model
- Conclusion
Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG
- Introduction
- The Proportional Hazards Model
- Partial Likelihood
- Tied Data
- Time-Dependent Covariates
- Cox Models with Nonproportional Hazards
- Left Truncation and Late Entry into the Risk Set
- Estimating Survivor Functions
- Residuals and Influence Statistics
- Testing Linear Hypotheses with the TEST Statement
- Conclusion
- Competing Risks
- Analysis of Tied or Discrete Data with the LOGISTIC, PROBIT, and GENMOD Procedures
- Heterogeneity, Repeated Events, and Other Topics
- A Guide for the Perplexed
- Macro Programs
Data Sets
- Introduction
- The MYEL Data Set: Myelomatosis Patients
- The RECID Data Set: Arrest Times for Released Prisoners
- The STAN Data Set: Stanford Heart Transplant Patients
- The BREAST Data Set: Survival Data for Breast Cancer Patients
- The JOBDUR Data Set: Durations of Jobs
- The ALCO Data Set: Survival of Cirrhosis Patients
- The LEADERS Data Set: Time in Power for Leaders of Countries
- The RANK Data Set: Promotions in Rank for Biochemists
- The JOBMULT Data Set: Repeated Job Changes
- References
- Books Available from SAS Press
- Index
Product information
- Title: Survival Analysis Using SAS®: A Practical Guide
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 1995
- Publisher(s): SAS Institute
- ISBN: 9781555442798
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