Book description
Targeted to the experienced Web programmer, SVG Unleashed equips the reader with the practical knowledge to create and manipulate Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) programmatically, both on the client and the server side. Part I of the book provides a thorough reference of SVG syntax, elements, coordinate systems and animations, with coverage of the XML Document Object Model (DOM) and the SVG DOM application to programming with particular emphasis on the use of ECMAScript/JavaScript. In Part II, readers learn to use several server-side languages to create SVG documents. Part IV demonstrates SVG programming through several case studies.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgments
- We Want to Hear from You!
- Reader Services
- Introduction
I. SVG Fundamentals
- 1. SVG Overview
2. Document Structure in SVG
- The svg Element
- The g Element
- The title and defs Elements
- The symbol Element
- The use Element
- The script Element
- Zoom and Pan
- Linking in SVG
- SVG DOM Interfaces
Miscellaneous SVG DOM Objects
- The GetSVGDocument Object
- The SVGAElement Object
- The SVGAngle Object
- The SVGCursorElement Object
- The SVGDefsElement Object
- The SVGDescElement Object
- The SVGDocument Object
- The SVGElementInstance Object
- The SVGElementInstanceList Object
- The SVGEvent Object
- The SVGExternalResourcesRequired Object
- The SVGGElement Object
- The SVGLangSpace Object
- The SVGLengthList Object
- The SVGLocatable Object
- The SVGMetadataElement Object
- The SVGNumber Object
- The SVGNumberList Object
- The SVGRect Object
- The SVGScriptElement Object
- The SVGStringList Object
- The SVGSymbolElement Object
- The SVGTests Object
- The SVGTitleElement Object
- The SVGURIReference Object
- The SVGUseElement Object
- The SVGViewElement Object
- The SVGViewSpec Object
- The SVGZoomAndPan Object
- The SVGZoomEvent Object
- Summary
- 3. Basic SVG Elements and Shapes
- 4. Using CSS with SVG
- 5. Coordinate Systems in SVG
6. Paths in SVG
- Using the path Element
- Creating Curves Using the path Element
- Applying Text to a Path
The SVG DOM Interfaces
- The SVGPathElement Object
- The SVGMPath Object
- The SVGPathSeg Object
- The SVGPathSegArcAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegArcRel Object
- The SVGPathSegClosePath Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoRel Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel Object
- The SVGPathSegList Object
- The SVGPathSegMovetoAbs Object
- The SVGPathSegMovetoRel Object
- The SVGTextPathElement Object
- Manipulating Paths Using the DOM
- Summary
- 7. Transformations in SVG
8. Laying Out Text in SVG
- Overview of Text in SVG
- The SVG Text Layout Elements
- Text Layout Tasks in SVG
- The textPath Element
- The switch Element
- Comparison of Text Layout in SVG and HTML
- Text-Related SVG DOM Interfaces
Other SVG DOM Text and Font Objects
- The SVGAltGlyphDefElement Object
- The SVGAltGlyphElement Object
- The SVGAltGlyphItemElement Object
- The SVGAltGlyphRefElement Object
- The SVGDefinitionsSrcElement Object
- The SVGFontElement Object
- The SVGFontFaceElement Object
- The SVGFontFaceFormatElement Object
- The SVGFontFaceNameElement Object
- The SVGFontFaceSrcElement Object
- The SVGFontFaceUriElement Object
- The SVGGlyphElement Object
- The SVGHKernElement Object
- The SVGMissingGlyphElement Object
- The SVGTextContentElement Object
- The SVGTextPositioningElement Object
- The SVGVKernElement Object
- Examples of Accessing and Manipulating the DOM
- Summary
- 9. Clipping, Masking, Compositing
10. SVG Filters
- SVG Filters
- The filter Element
The SVG Filter Primitives
- Common Attributes for the SVG Filter Primitives
- The feBlend Filter Primitive
- The feColorMatrix Filter Primitive
- The feComponentTransfer Filter Primitive
- The feComposite Filter Primitive
- The feConvolveMatrix Filter Primitive
- The feDistantLight Filter Primitive
- The feDiffuseLighting Filter Primitive
- The feDisplacementMap Filter Primitive
- The feFlood Filter Primitive
- The feGaussianBlur Filter Primitive
- The feImage Filter Primitive
- The feMerge Filter Primitive
- The feMorphology Filter Primitive
- The feOffset Filter Primitive
- The fePointLight Filter Primitive
- The feSpecularLighting Filter Primitive
- The feSpotLight Filter Primitive
- The feTile Filter Primitive
- The feTurbulence Filter Primitive
- The SVG DOM Filter Interfaces
The SVG DOM Objects for Filter Primitives
- The SVGFEBlendElement Object
- The SVGFEColorMatrixElement Object
- The SVGFEComponentTransferElement Object
- The SVGFECompositeElement Object
- The SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement Object
- The SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement Object
- The SVGFEDisplacementMapElement Object
- The SVGFEDistantLightElement Object
- The SVGFEFloodElement Object
- The SVGFEGaussianBlurElement Object
- The SVGFEImageElement Object
- The SVGFEMergeElement Object
- The SVGFEMergeNodeElement Object
- The SVGFEMorphologyElement Object
- The SVGFEOffsetElement Object
- The SVGFEPointLightElement Object
- The SVGFESpecularLightingElement Object
- The SVGFESpotLightElement Object
- The SVGFETileElement Object
- The SVGFETurbulenceElement Object
- Interactive Turbulence Example
- Summary
11. SVG Animation Elements
- SVG Animation in Context
- The set Element
- The animate Element
- The animateColor Element
- The animateMotion Element
- The animateTransform Element
- Animation Element-Related SVG DOM Interfaces
Miscellaneous Animation-Related Objects
- The SVGAnimatedAngle Object
- The SVGAnimatedBoolean Object
- The SVGAnimatedEnumeration Object
- The SVGAnimatedInteger Object
- The SVGAnimatedLength Object
- The SVGAnimatedLengthList Object
- The SVGAnimatedNumber Object
- The SVGAnimatedNumberList Object
- The SVGAnimatedPathData Object
- The SVGAnimatedPoints Object
- The SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio Object
- The SVGAnimatedRect Object
- The SVGAnimatedString Object
- The SVGAnimatedTransformList Object
- Summary
12. SVG for Web Authoring
- Using SVG with HTML/XHTML
- Laying Out Web Pages in SVG
- Using the foreignObject Element
- Summary
- 13. Accessibility, Internationalization, and Metadata
II. Programming SVG Client-Side
- 14. The SVG DOM
- 15. Scripting SVG
- 16. Animating SVG with Scripting
- 17. Using SVG in Java Applications
III. Producing SVG Server-Side
- 18. Server-Side Basics
- 19. JSP, Servlets, and SVG
- 20. SVG and XSLT
- 21. SVG and Perl
- 22. SVG and PHP: Building an Online Survey
- 23. SVG .NET: Creating an Online Poll
IV. Case Studies
- 24. Case Study: SVG for Blueprints
25. Case Study: SVG Web Map for Population Demographics
- Some Map Basics
- Obtaining Map Data
- Web Map Project Overview
- Massachusetts Key Map: Level One
- Plymouth County Map: Level Two
Server-Side Processing
- Servlet 1: Database Access—Query Database and Return HTML Table
- Servlet 2: Database query2—Return SVG Bar Chart or HTML Table
- Servlet 3: Database query3—Return SVG Bar Chart Using a SAX Parser ContentHandler
- Servlet 4: Database query4—Return SVG Bar Chart Using DOM Parser
- Servlet 5: Database query5—Return SVG Bar Chart Using JDOM
- Summary
- 26. Case Study: FMS—Monitor and Control
- V. Looking Ahead
- VI. Appendix
Product information
- Title: SVG Unleashed
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2002
- Publisher(s): Sams
- ISBN: 9780672324291
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