7Immune-Inspired Swarm Cybernetic Systems


Swarm cyborg systems focus on decentralized coordination amongst many cyborgs with limited ability to communicate and cooperate. Although failure intolerance and robustness to particular cyborg failure have often been presented as evidence of the usage of swarming autonomous vehicles, new research has demonstrated that swarm cyborg systems are prone to specific failure types. In this chapter, the technique of cyborg self-healing swarms is proposed and inspired by the granulation confinement and repair seen in the immune system. A case study by a swarm team shows that partly failing cyborgs have the most damaging influence on swarm behaviors, as proven in earlier reports. To this end, we have devised an immune-inspired method that allows recovery from specific fatigue failure during the swarm operation and overcoming issues associated with partly unsuccessful cyborg swarming behavior.

Keywords: Simulation constraint, cyborg actuators, bio-inspired algorithm, artificial immune system, unified modeling language centroid, numerical simulation, cytokines

7.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the chartered financial analyst (CFA) method. It presents a technique for developing innovative immune-inspired algorithms based on a set of principles. In the first section we will examine the work provided in terms of the CFA method, taking into account Hart and Davoudani’s information technology modeling approach presented in 2011, which ...

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