Listing Todo items

To retrieve all Todo items, unlike our post call, we do not need to pass any header parameters, just cookie information. So, we add the following struct to handle this scenario:

struct RequestModel: RequestProtocol {     subscript(key: String) -> (String?, String?) {         get {             switch key {                 default: return ("Cookie","test=123")             }         }     } } 

Then, we can retrieve a list of Todo items using the following code:

sendRequest(Urls.getTodos, request: RequestModel()) {     (response, error) in     if error == nil {         let todos: [Todo]? = decode(response!)         completion(todos, nil)         print("request was successfull: \(todos)")     } else {         completion(nil, error)         print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription)")     } } 

Although we added better error ...

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