
When I first began learning iOS development, I started out like most developers, from the humble Hello World application. I was overwhelmed with new concepts, such as view controllers and table views. My background with C++ did not help much when it came to working with Objective-C, and I had to start from scratch. There was no book written on the subject and everything had to be learned from Apple's documentation and personal blogs.

Eventually I came to grips with Objective-C, and with practice, I grew more proficient. With the launch of iOS 7, Apple announced a new language called Swift, and it felt almost like going back to square one again, as I learned how to perform familiar tasks with a new language.

This book is written to help someone new to iOS development learn the basic concepts and (I hope) avoid making the mistakes I made when starting out myself. That being said, this book should also be useful for an experienced Objective-C developer who is looking to transition over to Swift. This book adopts a hands-on Try It approach, and you get to try out each new concept as you progress through the book.

iOS application development is a huge topic, and it is just not possible to include every single topic related to iOS application development in this book. When selecting topics to include in this book, I have tried to strike a balance between the absolute basics and more advanced topics such as Test Driven Development, CloudKit, and UI testing.

This book has ...

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