7Virtualization and Cloud Computing

“You don't need to be physically out in the world anymore to participate in it. I'm 90% virtual.”

Karl Lagerfeld

– Understanding the concept of virtualization

– Learning the virtualization domains

– Determining the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization

– Understanding the different types of virtualization

– Understanding the concept of cloud computing

– Learning the different service models pertaining to cloud computing and their typologies

7.1. Introduction

The setting up or upgrading of IT infrastructures requires significant financial investment for every business. In an increasingly difficult economic climate, any solution that enables a reduction in costs is more than relevant. This category includes virtualization, which helps businesses to create an IT infrastructure that is easy to manage and low cost, thus eliminating dependence on a single hardware provider and ensuring more resilient, flexible and agile IT functions.

Additionally, cloud computing, based on the concept of virtualization, is of great interest to businesses insofar as it enables a new way of organizing information systems as well as another approach to managing different IT resources. The goal remains higher profitability for the business, as well as scalability and the capacity for expansion.

7.2. Virtualization

7.2.1. Definition

Virtualization includes a range of technologies offering IT resources that can be used flexibly and on demand, independently ...

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