This annex defines each of the competencies identified as forming INCOSE SECF.

It should be read in conjunction with the SECAG, Part II of this book, which provides an assessment guide for each competency area.

In summary, the SECF represents the “requirements” for proficiency in 37 competencies at five levels of competence, while the SECAG defines the evidence expected in order to verify that proficiency at a particular level has been achieved.

Competency area – Core: Systems Thinking
DescriptionThe application of the fundamental concepts of systems thinking to Systems Engineering. These concepts include understanding what a system is, its context within its environment, its boundaries and interfaces, and that it has a life cycle. Systems thinking applies to the definition, development, and production of systems within an enterprise and technological environment and is a framework for curiosity about any system of interest.
Why it mattersSystems thinking is a way of dealing with increasing complexity. The fundamental concepts of systems thinking involve understanding how actions and decisions in one area affect another, and that the optimization of a system within its environment does not necessarily come from optimizing the individual system components. Systems thinking is conducted within an enterprise and technological context. These contexts impact the life cycle of the system and place requirements and ...

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