Using Tableau Server to Facilitate Fact-Based Team Collaboration
All good-to-great companies began the process of finding a path to greatness by confronting the brutal facts.
Tableau Server facilitates information sharing and team collaboration by making interactive dashboards and views accessible to authorized individuals via any of the popular web-browsing software tools available today. Reports can be directly consumed via iOS (Apple) or Android tablets. Beginning with Tableau Server Version 8, authorized staff can also edit existing reports or create completely new analysis using Tableau Server.
Authorized Tableau Server users can also share metadata including joins, groupings, sets, name aliases, and other customized data by publishing Tableau Datasource files to Server. You will learn how to take advantage of these features and more in this chapter.
After Tableau Server is installed, those creating reports and analysis must be provided with publishing rights. Staff that will be consuming reports must be granted access rights. Once you've created a workbook containing at least one worksheet, you can publish that information to Tableau Server. Workbooks containing many different worksheets and dashboards can be published in full, or by selecting any combination of worksheets and dashboards. The Tableau Desktop menus used for publishing to Tableau Server are shown in Figure 10-1.
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