

Aaker, D., 3334, 3637

Acquisitions and mergers, effect of, 55, 56, 84, 8791

Adbusters, 160

Adidas, 47

Admiration, and corporate reputation, 37, 38

Advantage, and brand value, 34

Advertising campaigns: building corporate equity with, example of, 217219; and corporate social responsibility, 164, 166; in the renewal stage, example of, 120121

AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO), network for, 192, 193

Alignment: achieving, 227; challenge of, 67; importance of, 15; and managing corporate brands, 43; movement toward, depiction of, 201, 202; revealing, 211; during the start-up phase, 95; tightening, over time, 178; tools for assessment of, 8184. See also Vision-Culture-Image (VCI) Alignment Model

Alignment gaps. See Misalignment

Alliance strategy, ...

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