The Mattone Leadership Enneagram Index (MLEI)

The Mattone Leadership Enneagram Index (MLEI) is for indentifying predominant leadership styles as well as levels of executive maturity in the individuals you are coaching.

Instructions for Those Taking the MLEI

The MLEI will take 20 minutes to complete. Each statement in the MLEI corresponds to one of the Enneagram’s nine leadership personality types. Your task is to record your response (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; see following scale) on the line following each statement.

1 = Strongly disagree with statement

2 = Agree with statement

3 = Partially agree/disagree with statement

4 = Agree with statement

5 = Strongly agree with statement

The Helper (Type Two)

1. I prefer working to help people on ...

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