Chapter 3
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Making successful random connections is about taking the path least traveled and planting new seeds in new fields. That is, the more you present yourself to the world—and the more you consciously choose to expand into unchartered territory—the more people you will meet.
It’s a lot like the process of organic farming, which is based on getting the greatest concentration of nutrients from the soil, rather than planting over and over in the same earth. Although you can grow the vegetable in same ground time after time, you won’t get the optimal nutritional value. Successful random networking, like successful farming, comes to fruition when you seek new connections in high-quality fresh fields.
Unfortunately, we humans are creatures of habit, so we tend to plant in the same garden. We take the same routes, stop at the same places (at the same time of day!), sit in the same place at the bar, sit in the same pew at church (hopefully not in that order!), shop in the same stores, spend time with the same people, and attend the same events—and generally do what is easy and comfortable. Obviously, this won’t expand your world nearly as quickly as if you venture beyond the usual. Successful networkers constantly step out of their venue comfort zones, even—maybe especially—when it doesn’t come naturally.
Random networking takes effort. It requires that you discover and exploit that inner drive to push into the unpredictable, and often unknown, territory. ...