10BASE2A Wired LAN standard, commonly known as Ethernet and defined in IEEE802.3b. This is designed to work over 50 Ω (RG58U) coaxial cable.

10BASE5 The original specification for the CSMA/CD network access using 50 Ω coaxial as the medium, commonly known as thick Ethernet. This is defined in 802.3.

10BASET A standard for the use of twisted pair cables defined in 802.3i. Sometimes called twisted pair Ethernet or UTP.

802 Series A set of standards developed by the IEEE. Several such standards now exist and further are planned. For example, 802.1, 802.3, 802.3, etc.

802.2 Specifies the logical link control (LLC), common to all 802-series LANs.

802.3 Specifies a CSMA control and physical layer specifications for wired LANs.

802.4 Specifies ...

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