Chapter 6
Configuring a TCP/IP Network — the Software Side
In This Chapter
Protocols in this chapter: IPv4, IPv6, DNS, DHCP
Installing no more
Checking on IPv4 and IPv6
Configuring TCP/IP in six steps
Setting up clients and servers
Investigating the network files that hold TCP/IP information
Seeing that once again, “people like names, computers like numbers”
Resetting a corrupted TCP/IP stack on Microsoft Windows systems
TCP/IP is software, and just like any software, it has to be installed. This chapter describes the steps needed to get TCP/IP up and running. If you’re lucky, you might have no steps. Yet. After TCP/IP is installed — that’s the time you have to get to work and configure your system. Read on to see what to do, and to examine the contents of some network files that work for you behind the scenes.