Surfing the Web

If your MacBook is connected to the Internet, you can browse, or surf, the sites on the World Wide Web. For surfing, macOS provides a web browser app called Safari. Using Safari, you can quickly move from one web page to another, search for interesting sites, and download files to your MacBook.


Open Safari and Customize Your Start Page

Open a Web Page

Follow a Link to a Web Page

Open Several Web Pages at Once

Navigate Among Web Pages

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Play Music and Videos on the Web

Set Your Home Page and Search Engine

Create Bookmarks for Web Pages

Using Reader View and Reading List

Organize Safari Tabs into Tab Groups

Download a File

Configure Safari for Security and Privacy

Open Safari and Customize Your Start Page

You can launch Safari, the macOS browser, either from the Dock or from Launchpad. When you open Safari, it displays the start page, a customizable page that can contain a background image and up to seven categories of links and information: Favorites, which you designate; Frequently Visited, which Safari derives automatically as you browse; Shared with You, links from other people; Privacy Report; Siri Suggestions, links from Apple’s virtual assistant; Reading List, a list of pages you mark for reading; and iCloud Tabs, pages from your other devices that sign in to iCloud.

Open Safari and Customize Your Start Page

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