Creating Forms
HTML enables you to create forms, web pages that provide fields in which a user can enter data before submitting the form to a server. The server processes the form, validates the data, and takes the appropriate action with the data — for example, sending it on to its destination.
Add Text Input Controls to a Form
Grasp Web Form Essentials
A web form is a web page that acts as an interface enabling visitors to input information and submit it. The form appears as a web page containing input controls, such as text fields in which the user can enter their name and email address, and check boxes or option buttons that the user can select to specify choices. After filling in the form, the user submits the form by clicking the Submit button. This retrieves the data from the form and submits it to a form handler, which is usually a server page containing a script for processing the data. The form can validate data as the user enters it or when the user submits the form.
Meet the Elements You Can Use in Web Forms
Table 11-1 explains the range of input elements that HTML provides for web forms. The nearby illustration shows many of the more widely used input elements.
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