Export a Group of Feeds
If one of your contacts wants to subscribe to all the feeds you do, you can export those feeds as a group, which your contact can then import.
Alternatively, you might export your feeds to back them up on a hard drive; that way, if disaster strikes your computer or you decide to upgrade, you can import the exported group.
Export a Group of Feeds
1. | In Outlook Mail, click File.
2. | Click Import and Export.
The Import and Export Wizard starts.
3. | Click Export RSS Feeds to an OPML File.
4. | Click Next.
5. | Click the check box next to each feed you want to export ( changes to ).
6. | Click Next.
7. | In the next screen of the wizard, click Browse.
The OPML File dialog box appears.
8. | Locate and select the folder in which you want ... |
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