Teach Yourself VISUALLY™ Dreamweaver® CS4

Book description

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you’ll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 Dreamweaver CS4 tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on Dreamweaver CS4 in no time.

You’ll learn to:

  • Design and preview a Web page

  • Format text and resize images

  • Build fillable Web-based forms

  • Create a rollover image

  • Open linked pages in new windows

  • Work with cascading style sheets

  • Upload pages and test your site

Each Teach Yourself VISUALLY book offers these key features:

  • Helpful sidebars that offer practical tips and tricks

  • Full-color screen shots that demonstrate each task

  • Succinct explanations that walk you through step by step

  • Two-page lessons that break big topics into bite-sized modules

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Praise for Visual Books
  3. Credits
  4. About the Author
  5. Author's Acknowledgments
  6. How to Use This Book
    1. How to Use This Teach Yourself VISUALLY Book
    2. Who Needs This Book
    3. Book Organization
    4. Chapter Organization
    5. What You Need to Use This Book
    6. Windows Users
    7. Macintosh Users
    8. Operating System Differences
    9. The Conventions in This Book
  7. 1. Getting Started with Dreamweaver
    1. 1.1. Introducing the World Wide Web
    2. 1.2. Explore the Many Ways to Design a Web Page
    3. 1.3. Plan Your Web Site
    4. 1.4. Start Dreamweaver on a PC
    5. 1.5. Start Dreamweaver on a Macintosh
    6. 1.6. Tour the Dreamweaver Interface on a PC
    7. 1.7. Tour the Dreamweaver Interface on a Macintosh
    8. 1.8. Show or Hide a Window
    9. 1.9. Exit Dreamweaver
    10. 1.10. Get Help
  8. 2. Setting Up Your Web Site
    1. 2.1. Define a New Web Site
    2. 2.2. Create a New Web Page
    3. 2.3. Add a Title to a Web Page
    4. 2.4. Save a Web Page
    5. 2.5. Preview a Web Page in a Browser
  9. 3. Exploring the Dreamweaver Interface
    1. 3.1. Choose a Workspace Layout
    2. 3.2. Customize the Document Window
    3. 3.3. Format Content with the Property Inspector
    4. 3.4. Open a Panel
    5. 3.5. Add an Email Link from the Insert Panel
    6. 3.6. Correct Errors with the History Panel
    7. 3.7. Create and Apply a Custom Command
    8. 3.8. Set Preferences
  10. 4. Working with XHTML
    1. 4.1. Introducing XHTML
    2. 4.2. Work in Design View and Code View
    3. 4.3. Explore Head and Body Tags
    4. 4.4. Explore Block-Formatting Tags
    5. 4.5. Clean Up HTML Code
    6. 4.6. View and Edit Head Content
    7. 4.7. Make Quick Edits to XHTML Tags
  11. 5. Formatting and Styling Text
    1. 5.1. Create a Heading
    2. 5.2. Create Paragraphs
    3. 5.3. Create Line Breaks
    4. 5.4. Indent Paragraphs
    5. 5.5. Create Lists
    6. 5.6. Insert Special Characters
    7. 5.7. Change the Font Face
    8. 5.8. Change the Font Size
    9. 5.9. Change the Font Color
    10. 5.10. Change Font and Text Colors
    11. 5.11. Copy Text from Another Document
  12. 6. Working with Images and Multimedia
    1. 6.1. Insert an Image into a Web Page
    2. 6.2. Wrap Text around an Image
    3. 6.3. Add Space around an Image
    4. 6.4. Crop an Image
    5. 6.5. Resize an Image
    6. 6.6. Open an Image in an Image Editor
    7. 6.7. Add a Background Image
    8. 6.8. Change the Background Color
    9. 6.9. Change Text Colors
    10. 6.10. Insert a Flash File
    11. 6.11. Insert Flash Video Files
    12. 6.12. Create a Rollover Image
    13. 6.13. Insert a Navigation Bar
  13. 7. Creating Hyperlinks
    1. 7.1. Link to Other Pages in Your Web Site
    2. 7.2. Link to Another Web Site
    3. 7.3. Using an Image As a Link
    4. 7.4. Create a Jump Link within a Page
    5. 7.5. Create a Link to Another File Type
    6. 7.6. Create an Image Map
    7. 7.7. Create a Link Using the Files Panel
    8. 7.8. Open a Linked Page in a New Browser Window
    9. 7.9. Create an Email Link
    10. 7.10. Check Links
    11. 7.11. Change the Color of Links on a Page
  14. 8. Editing the Table Design in a Web Page
    1. 8.1. Insert a Table into a Web Page
    2. 8.2. Insert Content into a Table
    3. 8.3. Change the Background Color of a Table
    4. 8.4. Change the Cell Padding in a Table
    5. 8.5. Change the Cell Spacing in a Table
    6. 8.6. Insert a Table inside a Table
    7. 8.7. Change the Alignment of Cell Content
    8. 8.8. Insert or Delete a Row or Column
    9. 8.9. Split or Merge Table Cells
    10. 8.10. Change the Dimensions of a Cell
    11. 8.11. Change the Dimensions of a Table
    12. 8.12. Using Percentages for Table Width
  15. 9. Creating Pages with Frames
    1. 9.1. Introducing Frames
    2. 9.2. Open the Frames Panel
    3. 9.3. Insert a Predefined Frameset
    4. 9.4. Divide a Page into Frames
    5. 9.5. Create a Nested Frame
    6. 9.6. Change the Attributes of a Frame
    7. 9.7. Add Content to a Frame
    8. 9.8. Delete a Frame
    9. 9.9. Name a Frame
    10. 9.10. Create a Link to a Frame
    11. 9.11. Format Frame Borders
    12. 9.12. Control Scrollbars in Frames
    13. 9.13. Control Resizing in Frames
  16. 10. Creating Web-Based Forms
    1. 10.1. Introducing Forms
    2. 10.2. Define a Form Area
    3. 10.3. Add a Text Field to a Form
    4. 10.4. Add a Check Box to a Form
    5. 10.5. Add a Radio Button to a Form
    6. 10.6. Add a List/Menu to a Form
    7. 10.7. Add a Button to a Form
  17. 11. Using Library Items and Templates
    1. 11.1. Introducing Library Items and Templates
    2. 11.2. View Library Items and Templates
    3. 11.3. Create a Library Item
    4. 11.4. Insert a Library Item
    5. 11.5. Edit and Update a Library Item on Your Web Site
    6. 11.6. Detach Library Content for Editing
    7. 11.7. Create a Template
    8. 11.8. Set an Editable Region in a Template
    9. 11.9. Create a Page from a Template
    10. 11.10. Edit a Template to Update Web Pages Created with It
  18. 12. Creating and Applying Cascading Style Sheets
    1. 12.1. Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
    2. 12.2. Edit Styles with the Property Inspector
    3. 12.3. Create a Class Style
    4. 12.4. Apply a Class Style
    5. 12.5. Edit a Style
    6. 12.6. Customize an HTML Tag
    7. 12.7. Create Styles with the Page Properties Dialog Box
    8. 12.8. Create an External Style Sheet
    9. 12.9. Attach an External Style Sheet
    10. 12.10. Edit an External Style Sheet
  19. 13. Designing a Web Site with CSS
    1. 13.1. Introducing CSS Layouts
    2. 13.2. Create a Web Page with a CSS Layout
    3. 13.3. Edit a CSS Layout
    4. 13.4. Add Images to a CSS Layout
    5. 13.5. Using Floats to Align Elements
    6. 13.6. Add an Image to the Header
    7. 13.7. Create an AP Div with Content
    8. 13.8. Resize and Reposition AP Divs
    9. 13.9. Change the Stacking Order of AP Divs
    10. 13.10. Create a Nested AP Div
  20. 14. Publishing a Web Site
    1. 14.1. Publish Your Web Site
    2. 14.2. Using the Site Window
    3. 14.3. Test Your Pages in Different Browsers
    4. 14.4. Organize Your Files and Folders
    5. 14.5. Set Up a Remote Site
    6. 14.6. Connect to a Remote Site
    7. 14.7. Upload Files to a Web Server
    8. 14.8. Download Files from a Web Server
    9. 14.9. Synchronize Your Local and Remote Sites
  21. 15. Maintaining a Web Site
    1. 15.1. View Visual Aids
    2. 15.2. Manage Site Assets
    3. 15.3. Add Content with the Assets Panel
    4. 15.4. Specify Favorite Assets
    5. 15.5. Check a Page In or Out
    6. 15.6. Make Design Notes
    7. 15.7. Run a Site Report
    8. 15.8. Change a Link Sitewide
    9. 15.9. Find and Replace Text
  22. 16. Adding Interactivity with AJAX and JavaScript
    1. 16.1. Introducing Spry and Behaviors
    2. 16.2. Create a Drop-Down Menu
    3. 16.3. Edit a Drop-Down Menu
    4. 16.4. Create Tabbed Panels
    5. 16.5. Add Content to Tabbed Panels
    6. 16.6. Edit Tabbed Panels
    7. 16.7. Using the Open Browser Window Behavior

Product information

  • Title: Teach Yourself VISUALLY™ Dreamweaver® CS4
  • Author(s): Janine Warner
  • Release date: December 2008
  • Publisher(s): Visual
  • ISBN: 9780470339640