Working with Appointments and Tasks
Display Only
Incomplete Tasks
You can make the Tasks list easier to navigate and your
pending tasks easier to view by configuring the Tasks list
to display only incomplete tasks. This is particularly
useful if you have a long list of completed and pending
tasks, because it enables you to focus on just those tasks
that remain to be done.
1 Click the Tasks button ( ).
You can also switch to the Tasks
window by pressing + .
2 Click View.
3 Click Incomplete Tasks.
Entourage displays only your
incomplete tasks in the Tasks list.
You can also click the Task Views
( changes to ) and then
click Incomplete.
Display Only Incomplete Tasks
1. Buy Jon’s
Oct. 1, 2009 Oct. 29, 2009
2. Send invitations Oct. 1, 2009 Oct. 5 , 2009
3. Buy party
Oct. 1, 2009 Oct. 15, 2009
4. Make cake Oct. 28, 2009 Oct.29, 2009
5. DecorateOct. 29, 2009 Oct.29, 2009
6. Cleaup Oct. 30, 2009 Oct. 30, 2009
Entourage adds strikethrough
formatting to the task text.
Entourage inserts the current date
and time in the Completed Date
1 Click the Tasks button ( ).
You can also switch to the Tasks
window by pressing + .
2 Select the check box beside the
finished task ( changes to ).
Mark a Task as Complete
When you finish a task, you should mark it as
complete to keep your list of tasks up-to-date
and to avoid accidentally repeating a task.
Mark a Task
as Complete

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