default, 113
described, 112–113
mathematical functions (Excel), 244
meeting invitation, responding to, 369
menus, quitting an Office program using, 15
Microsoft Office Setup Assistant, 5
Mini Calendar, navigation with, 360
Month view (Calendar), 361
monthly repeating appointments, creating, 365
monthly repeating tasks, creating, 373
* (multiplication sign), 240
narration, recording, 324, 325
new documents
Excel, 19
PowerPoint, 19
Project Gallery used to create, 20–21
Word, 18, 19
Notebook Layout view (Word), 11
number format (Excel), 218–219
numbered lists
PowerPoint, 277
Word, 86–87
Object Palette
displaying, 58
editing, 59
hiding, 59
offline, composing messages, 333
opening documents, 23
operands (Excel), 240
operator precedence, 241
operators (Excel), 240
Outline view (Word), 11
page breaks, 94
page numbers, 96–97
paragraph spacing
PowerPoint, 296–297
Word, 105
paragraphs, indenting, 106–107
pictures. See also graphics
cropping, 72–73
finding, 65
inserting, 64–65
used as background for slides (PowerPoint), 301
placeholders (PowerPoint), 290
+ (plus sign), 240
statistical, 245
structure of, 244
grammar errors, checking for, 32–33
background, hiding, 75
effects, applying, 75
formatting, 74–75
glow, adding, 77
moving, 70
Quick Styles, applying, 74, 75
recoloring, 80–81
reflection, adding, 78
resizing, 71
rotating, 71
shadow, adding, 76, 77
text wrapping in, 73
3-D effects, 79
as watermarks, 81
gridlines, 237, 265
headers (Word), 164–165
hidden row or column, displaying, 229
highlighting text, 111
Hyphenation tool (Word), 128–129
images. See graphics
index, 176–179
italic text, 48
junk e-mail messages, 352–355
labels added to charts, 263
layout masters (PowerPoint), 308
layout of Office windows, 6–7
leader tab, 103
legend on charts, 264
line spacing
PowerPoint, 296, 297
Word, 104, 105
mailing labels
described, 174–175
printing, 175
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