Only books and articles having a direct bearing on editing and sound editing are mentioned.
Boo ks
Arnheim , R. ( 1933 ) . Film . Faber .
Baddeley , W. H. ( 1963 ) . The technique of documentary fi lm production . Focal Press .
Bal á zs , B. ( 1952 ) . Theory of the fi lm . Dennis Dobson .
Bazin , A. ( 1958 ) . Qu’est-ce que le cin é ma? I. ontologie et langage . Paris : Editions du Cerf .
Bounoure, G. ( 1953 ) . Regards neufs sur le cin é ma . ed. Jacques Chevalier. Bourges : Editions du Seuil .
Cameron , K. ( 1947 ) . Sound and documentary fi lm . Pitman .
Congres International des Ecoles de Cinema et de Television. (1965). Reports presented to the Congress, Vienna,
May 1963 , Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cin é ma et de T é l é vision.
Eisenstein , S. M. ( 1943 ) . The fi lm sense . Faber .
Eisenstein , S. M. ( 1951 ) . Film form . Denis Dobson .
Eisenstein , S. M. ( 1959 ) . Notes of a fi lm director . Lawrence & Wishart .
Feldman , J. H. ( 1952 ) . Dynamics of the fi lm . New York : Hermitage House .
Fulton , A. R. ( 1960 ) . Motion pictures: the development of an art . Norman : University of Oklahoma Press .
Gaskill , A. L. , & Englander , D. A. ( 1947 ) . Pictorial continuity . New York : Duell, Sloan & Pearce .
Jacobs , L. ( 1947 ) . The rise of the American fi lm . New York : Harcourt, Brace & Co .
Lindgren , E. ( 1948 ) . The art of the fi lm . Allen & Unwin .
Monier , P. ( 1958 ) . The complete technique of making fi lms . Focal Press .
Nilsen , V. ( 1936 ) . The cinema as a graphic art . Newnes .
Pudovkin , V. I. ( 1933 ) . Film technique . Newnes .

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