Ackland, Rodney , 206
Acmiola , 330
Action sequences , 49 63
Alexandrov, G. V. , 25 , 127
Alphaville , 301
Amants , Les , 273
Amiche , Le , 318 , 319 , 322
Anamorphoscope , 235
Ann é e Dern è re à Marienbad, L , 274 , 301 2 , 304
extracts , 305 9
Antonioni, Michelangelo , 238 , 309 22
Applause , 43
Art of the fi lm, The , 16 , 26 , 179
Ascenseur pour L’Echafaud,
L’ , 273
Asquith, Anthony , 42 , 43
Astruc, Alexandre , 271
Auden, W. H. , 137 , 139
Autant-Lara, Claude , 236
Auteur , 271 , 272
Avventura, L’ , 309 , 318 , 319 , 320
extract , 309 15
Baby at the Lunch Table , 4
Back to Bataan , 89
Bande à Part , 300
Baptism of Fire , 163
Barabbas , 239 , 240 , 242
Battleship Potemkin , 27 , 232
Baylis, Peter , 163 , 164 , 169
Bazin, Andr é , 238 9 , 249 , 278 , 300
Beau Serge, Le , 273
Bicycle Thieves , 27 , 41
Birth of a Nation , The , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 28
extract , 7
Blackmail , 43
Blow-Up , 300 , 321 2
Boat Leaving Harbour, A , 4
Bob Le Flambeur , 286
Boulting, John , 30
Boulting, Roy , 30
Bout de Soufl ee , A , see Breathless
Boys, Arthur , 206
Breathless , 273 , 274 , 290 , 291 , 297 , 298
extract , 292 4
Brighton Rock , 203
extract , 30 6
Britten, Benjamin , 137 , 139
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari , 27
Cahiers du Cin é ma , 238 , 272
Calder-Marshall, Arthur , 171
Camera angles , 30 , 40
Camera movement , 194
Camera set-ups, selection of , 29 , 37 , 146
Cameron, Ian , 319 , 321
Cameron, Ken , 136
Cam é ra-stylo , 271 2 , 290 , 302
Cannes Festival , 272 3
Capra, Frank , 38 , 163 , 164 , 204
Carabiniers, Les , 299 , 300
Carn é , Marcel
, 39
Cassavetes, John , 250
Casting in Steel at Wilson’s Forge , 147
extract , 142 6
Cavalcanti , 137 , 139
Cayrol, Jean , 302
Chabrol, Claude , 272 , 273 , 276
Chair, The , 251
Chaplin, Charles , 39 , 78
Chr é tien, Henri , 235
Chronique d’un Et é , 250 , 251 3
Cinderella , 4
Cin é ma d’auteur , 273
Cin é ma-V é rit é , 249
defi nition of , 249

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