Cinemascope , 235 , 236
Citizen Kane , 27 , 39 , 96 , 186 , 204 , 212
extract , 89 94
City , The , 44
City Streets , 43 , 44
Cl é o de Cinq à Sept , 274
Close-up shot , 80 , 182 , 321
Cole, Sidney , 192 , 227
Comedy sequences , 79 86
Commentary; use of , 129 , 139 , 147 , 155 , 170 , 175 , 261 , 266
Compilation fi lm , 163 76
Consecutive actions, matching , 181 3
Constructive editing , 12 17
Cotten, Joseph , 86 , 89
Cousins, Les , 273
Cross-cutting , 49
Cry of the World , 163
Cukor, George , 236 , 242
Cutting , 181 , 202 3
Cutting room procedure , 329 31
Dassin, Jules , 50
Davis, Bette , 78
de Mille , 41
De Rochemont, Louis , 163
de Sica , 27
Decugis, C é cile , 280
del Ruth, Roy , 66 , 81
Demy, Jacques , 274
Desert Victory , 164
Diagrams, use of , 142 , 146 7 , 185
Dialogue scenes, shooting of , 65
Dialogue, sequences , 65 78
effect on editing , 38 45
Diary for Timothy , 129 33
Dickens , Griffi th , and the Film To-day , 12
Dickinson, Thorold , 39 , 40
, 206 , 233 , 236
Dissolve , 5 , 204 , 232 , 330
Divide and Conquer , 164
Dmytryk, Edward , 89
Documentary fi lms , 249 70
lm of ideas , 127 33
vs. story-fi lms , 97
and use of sound , 135 40
Documentary reportage , 97 106
Donat, Robert , 86
Dongen, Helen van , 107 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 113 , 114 , 122 , 250
Doniol-Valcroze , 272
Double Tour, A , 276
, 41 , 45 , 107
Dramatic emphasis, control of , 7 11
Dream Passes , The , 270
Drew, Robert , 251
Drew Associates , 251
Dr ô le de Drame , 39
Dubbing , 155 , 331
Duras, Marguerite , 302
Duvivier , 271
Dyaliscope , 275
Earth , 41
Eclisse, L , 321
Ecran Franqais, L’ , 271
Editing, contribution of , 38 41
Editing and the actor , 11 , 15 , 77 , 186 , 190 , 205
Editing machine , 330
Editola , 330
Educational fi lms , 141 51
Eisenstein, Sergei M , 12 , 13 , 17 23 , 127 , 227 , 266
El Cid , 242 , 247
Elton, Ralph , 148
End of St. Petersburg , The , 16 , 43
Enfants du Paradis, Les , 39
, 163
Evans, Dame Edith , 225
Extreme long shot; early use of , 11
Fade , 204
Fahrenheit 451 , 277
Family Portrait , 132
Femme du Boulanger, La , 40
Film continuity , 4 7
Film Editing (by Sidney Cole) , 192
Film Form , 12 , 13 , 20 , 22 , 23 , 25 , 127

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