
First and foremost, the authors wish to thank all readers for taking the time to learn more about telemedicine technologies. The authors are confident that this book will enlighten readers to develop their expertise in further enhancing medical and healthcare technologies to benefit more people in the community. The main objective of telemedicine technologies has always been to extend medical services to more areas for more people so that people can live healthier and longer irrespective of where they are.

Over the years, the authors have seen numerous cases where people are unable to enjoy accessible healthcare either because they cannot afford it or service cannot be extended to their areas due to a number of reasons. The continuing advances of telemedicine technologies that break the geographical barrier of providing quality healthcare urged us to write a book to share our insights together with the underlying technologies that can potentially benefit millions, if not billions, of people. Much of what we have learned over the years comes as a direct result of taking care of our retired parents as well as our delightful children, all of whom, in their unique ways, inspired us and subconsciously contributed a tremendous amount to the content of this book on promoting enhancement of telemedicine technologies to help people of all ages.

We must also thank Professor Michael Pecht who taught us the importance of addressing reliability issues in the book, how to look ...

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