Test Automation and (QTP: QTP 9.2, QTP 9.5, QTP 10.0 and Functional Test 11.0) by Pearson

Book description

This book is a one-stop resource that explains all concepts, features, and benefits of test automation and QTP with real-time examples. This book has been designed to be a beginner's guide for new users, a companion guide for experienced users, and a reference guide for professionals appearing for interviews or certification exams on test automation and QTP.

Book Contents –

Section 1: Test Automation
Section 2: VBScript
Section 3: Basic QTP
Section 4: Advanced QTP
Section 5: Test Automation Lab
Section 6: Functional Testing 11

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Brief Contents
  3. Contents (1/2)
  4. Contents (2/2)
  5. Synopsis
    1. Preface
    2. About this Book
  6. Section 1: Test Automation
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction
      1. Test Automation
        1. History
        2. Objective
        3. Test Automation Key Factors
        4. What to Automate
        5. What not to Automate
        6. Benefits of Test Automation
      2. Swot Analysis
        1. Strength
        2. Weakness
        3. Opportunities
        4. Threats
      3. Test Automation Guidelines
      4. Test Automation: Myths and Realities
        1. Disadvantages of Automation Testing
    2. Chapter 2: Test Automation Life Cycle
      1. Feasibility Analysis Phase
        1. Need Analysis
        2. ROI Analysis
        3. Tool Analysis
        4. Proof of Concept
      2. Framework Design
      3. Business Knowledge Gathering
      4. Script Design
      5. Test Execution and Test Result Analysis
        1. Test Execution
        2. Test Results Analysis
      6. Maintenance
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    3. Chapter 3: Test Automation Approach
      1. Test Automation Approach
      2. Test Automation Scope
      3. Test Automation Development Model
        1. Waterfall Development Model
        2. W-Model
        3. Agile Development Model
        4. Test Automation Basis
      4. Test Automation—Testing Types to be Covered
      5. Test Automation Project Infrastructure
      6. Test Automation—Team Dynamics
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    4. Chapter 4: Test Automation Framework
      1. Framework Components
      2. Framework Types (1/2)
      3. Framework Types (2/2)
        1. Modular-Driven Framework
        2. Data-Driven Framework
        3. Keyword-Driven Framework
        4. Hybrid Framework
        5. Business Model Driven Framework
        6. Agile Automation Framework
          1. Quick Tips
    5. Chapter 5: Business Model-Driven Framework
      1. Framework Components
      2. Architecture
      3. Framework Layout
      4. Framework Structure (1/2)
      5. Framework Structure (2/2)
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
      6. Case Study (1/3)
      7. Case Study (2/3)
      8. Case Study (3/3)
        1. Automating a Business Scenario Using Business Model-Driven Framework
        2. Identifying Business Components
        3. Identifying Test Scenarios within each Business Component
        4. Designing Business Scenario Tables
        5. Quick Tips
    6. Chapter 6: Agile Automation Framework
      1. Framework Components
      2. Screen Components
      3. Business Components (1/3)
      4. Business Components (2/3)
      5. Business Components (3/3)
        1. Component Tables
      6. Framework Structure
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
      7. Case Study (1/5)
      8. Case Study (2/5)
      9. Case Study (3/5)
      10. Case Study (4/5)
      11. Case Study (5/5)
        1. Automating a Business Scenario Using Agile Automation Framework
        2. Framework Setup
        3. Test Automation Development
        4. Designing SCTs
        5. Designing BCTs
        6. Developing Screen Component Scripts
        7. Developing Business Component Scripts
        8. Developing Master Driver
    7. Chapter 7: Test Automation Metrics
      1. Technical/Functional Interchanges and Walk-Through
        1. Internal Inspections
        2. Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation Strategies
      2. Configuration Management
        1. Schedule and Cost Tracking
        2. Actions, Issues, and Defect Tracking
      3. Test Automation Metrics (1/2)
      4. Test Automation Metrics (2/2)
        1. Coverage
        2. Progress
        3. Quality
        4. Process
        5. Quick Tips
        6. Practical Questions
    8. Chapter 8: Test Automation Process
      1. Need Analysis Process Flow
        1. Objective
      2. ROI Analysis Process Flow
        1. Total Common Development/Maintenance Cost (TCC)
        2. Total Manual Cost (TMC)
        3. Total Automation Cost (TAC)
        4. Return on Investment
        5. Objective
      3. Tool Analysis Process Flow
        1. Objective
      4. Proof of Concept
        1. Objective
      5. Framework Design Process Flow
        1. Objective
      6. Business Knowledge Gathering Process Flow
        1. Objective
      7. Script Design Process Flow
        1. Objective
      8. Script Execution Process Flow
        1. Objective
      9. Test Results Analysis Process Flow
        1. Test Results
        2. Test Result Analysis
        3. Objective
      10. Maintenance Process Flow
        1. Objective
      11. Building One-Point Maintenance
      12. Version Control Strategy
      13. Communication Model
        1. Communication Model for New Automation
        2. Communication Model for Regression Run
      14. Test Automation Documents
        1. Technical Documents
        2. Framework Design
        3. Standard and Guidelines
        4. Training Manual
        5. User Manual
        6. Automation Task Tracker
        7. Quick Tips
        8. Practical Questions
  7. Section 2: VBScript
    1. Chapter 9: VBScript
      1. VBScript Editors
      2. Data Types
        1. Variant Datatypes
      3. VBScript Variables
        1. Variable Declaration
        2. Variable Scope and Lifetime
        3. Constant Variables
      4. VBScript Operators
      5. VBScript Conditional Statements
        1. If… Statement
        2. Select Case … Statement
      6. VBScript Looping Statements
        1. For Next
        2. For Each
        3. Do
        4. While
        5. Examples
      7. VBScript Functions (1/2)
      8. VBScript Functions (2/2)
        1. Date–Time Functions (Table 9.1)
        2. String Functions (Table 9.2)
        3. Conversion Functions (Table 9.3)
        4. Array Functions
        5. Miscellaneous
      9. Option Explicit
      10. Error Handling
        1. On Error GoTo 0
        2. On Error GoTo
        3. On Error Resume Next
        4. Err.Number and Err.Description
      11. Examples (1/2)
      12. Examples (2/2)
        1. Pass an Array to a Function
        2. Function to Sort Numbers
        3. Function to Format Date
        4. Function to compare two strings
        5. Function to Pad Zeros
        6. Quick Tips
        7. Practical Questions
    2. Chapter 10: Dictionary
      1. Methods
      2. Properties
      3. Creating Dictionary Object
      4. Creating Dictionary of Dictionary Object
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    3. Chapter 11: Regular Expressions
      1. How to Create a Regular Expression Object
        1. Properties
        2. Methods
      2. Meta Characters
      3. How to use VBScript Regular Expression Object
        1. Match Any Single Character (.)
        2. Match Zero or More Character (?)
        3. Match Single Preceding Expression (+)
        4. Match Zero or More Preceding Expression (*)
        5. Using Escape Character (\)
        6. Match Beginning of a String (^)
        7. Match End of a String ($)
        8. Match Digit Character (\d)
        9. Match Non-digit Character (\D)
        10. Match Alphanumeric Character (\w)
        11. Match Non-alphanumeric Character (\w)
        12. Match One of Several Regular Expressions (|)
        13. Match Any Single Character in a List [xyz]
        14. Match Any Single Character Not in a List [xyz]
        15. Match Any Single Character within a Range [a-z]
        16. Match Any Single Character Not within a Range [^a-z]
        17. Match Multiple Occurrences of a Pattern {}
      4. Parsing Dates
      5. E-mail Matching
      6. Replacing String Using Regular Expression
        1. Searching Notepad File for a Regular Expression String
        2. Quick Tips
        3. Practical Questions
  8. Section 3: Basic QTP
    1. Chapter 12: QTP: Introduction
      1. Features
        1. Record/Playback
        2. Data-Driven Testing
        3. Verification
        4. Object Repository
        5. Library
        6. Exception Handling
      2. Automating Complex and Custom GUI Objects
        1. Results
        2. Add-in Extensibility
        3. Quality Center Integration
      3. QTP test Automation Process
        1. Basic Test Script Structure
        2. QTP Automation Testing Workflow
      4. Using QTP Help
        1. Contents Tab
        2. Index Tab
        3. Search Tab
        4. Favorites Tab
        5. Quick Tips
        6. Practical Questions
    2. Chapter 13: Object Identification
      1. Object Identification Properties
      2. Normal Object Identification Process
      3. Configuring Mandatory and Assistive Properties (1/2)
      4. Configuring Mandatory and Assistive Properties (2/2)
        1. Smart Identification (SI)
        2. Ordinal Identifier
        3. Quick Tips
        4. Practical Questions
    3. Chapter 14: Test Script Development
      1. Business Scenario Identification
      2. Business Knowledge Gathering
      3. Planning Script Development
        1. Adding Environment Variables
        2. Designing Functions
        3. Creating/Updating Object Repository
        4. Designing Reusable Actions
        5. Designing Business Scenario Driver
      4. Scripting Methods
        1. Record & Playback Method
        2. OR Method
        3. Descriptive Programming
        4. Hybrid Method
      5. Scripting Guidelines
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    4. Chapter 15: Environment Variables
      1. When to Use Environment Variables
      2. How to Define Environment Variables (1/2)
      3. How to Define Environment Variables (2/2)
        1. How to Define User-Defined Internal Environment Variables
        2. Clear Value of an Environment Variable
        3. How to Access Environment Variablesin Test Scripts (Fig. 15.6)
        4. How to Load XML Environment File during Run-Time
        5. How to Export Environment Variables from QTP Environment Tab to an External XML File
        6. How to Pass an Object Instance Using Environment Variable
        7. How to Store Arrays in Environment Variable
        8. Quick Tips
        9. Practical Questions
    5. Chapter 16: Library
      1. Creating a New Library File
      2. Associating a Library File to a Test Script
      3. Designing Custom Library (DLL) Files
        1. Designing DLL Files Using Visual Basic
        2. Accessing Custom DLL Files from QTP
      4. Calling MS Windows DLL Functions from QTP
        1. Extern Object
        2. Quick Tips
        3. Practical Questions
    6. Chapter 17: Action
      1. Difference Between an Action and Function
      2. Action Parameterization
      3. Defining Input and Output Parameters
        1. Input Parameter
        2. Output Parameter
      4. Types of Actions
        1. Non-Reusable Action
        2. Local Reusable Action
        3. External Reusable Actions
      5. Action Calls
      6. Splitting an Action
      7. Renaming Actions
      8. Exiting an Action
      9. Removing a Called Action from a Test Script
        1. Removing Actions from Test Flow Pane (as in QTP 11.0)
      10. Creating an Action Template
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    7. Chapter 18: Object Repository
      1. Types of Object Repositories
      2. Adding New Objects to Shared OR
      3. Adding New Objects to Local OR
      4. How to Avoid Object Duplication in Object Repository
      5. Add/Remove Object Properties
      6. Associating a Shared Object Repository to a Test Script
      7. Update Object Properties from Application
      8. Modify Object Property Values – Regular Expression
      9. Highlight Test Object in Application GUI
      10. Highlight Application Object in Object Repository
      11. Object Spy
      12. Test and Run-Time Objects
        1. Test Objects
        2. Run-Time Objects
        3. Programmatically Reading Test Object Properties of an Object
        4. Reading all Test Object Properties and Values of an Object
        5. Changing Test Object Properties at Run Time
        6. Retrieving Run-Time Object Properties during Script Execution
      13. Identification and Native Properties
      14. Define New Test Object
      15. Comparing Shared Object Repositories
      16. Analyzing Comparison Results
      17. Merging Shared Object Repositories
        1. Problems with Merging Object Repository
      18. How to Design Object Repository
        1. Naming Convention of Objects in OR
      19. Object Repository Design
        1. Default Capture Hierarchy Design
        2. Screen-Based Hierarchy Design
        3. Functionality-Based Hierarchy Design
        4. Screen Creation Time-Based Hierarchy Design
        5. Screen Creation Time and URL-Based Hierarchy Design
      20. The Repositories Collection Object
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
        3. Quick Tips
        4. Practical Questions
    8. Chapter 19: Datatables
      1. Working with Global and Action Sheets
        1. Inserting Parameters in Datatables
      2. Parameterize Action with Local Datatable
      3. Parameterize Action with Global Datatable
      4. Add/Update Data to Datatable
      5. Design and Run-Time Datatable
        1. Design Time Datatable
        2. Run-Time Datatable
      6. Datatable Methods
      7. How to Read All Data of Global Datasheet
      8. Local Datatable Settings
      9. Global Datatable Settings
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    9. Chapter 20: Working with Web Application Objects
      1. Working with Browser
        1. Methods
      2. Launch Internet Explorer and Web Application
        1. Browser Identification
        2. Multiple Pop-up Browser Window of Same Application
      3. Working with Page
      4. Working with WebEdit
        1. Methods
      5. Working with WebButton
        1. Methods
      6. Working with WebCheckBox
        1. Methods
      7. Working with WebList
        1. Methods
      8. Working with Link
        1. Methods
      9. Working with WebRadioGroup
        1. Methods
      10. Working with WebTable
        1. Methods
      11. Function to Find Cell Ordinates of a Keyword Present in WebTable
        1. Usage
      12. Exporting Webtable Values to Datatable
        1. Usage
      13. Exporting Webtable Values to Dictionary Object
        1. Some Useful Methods
        2. Usage
      14. Some Useful Methods
      15. Some Useful Utility Objects
        1. OptionalStep
        2. RandomNumber
        3. SystemUtil
        4. PathFinder
        5. Setting
        6. RegisterUSerFunction
        7. UnRegisterUserFunc
      16. Some Useful Examples
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    10. Chapter 21: Descriptive Programming
      1. When to Use Descriptive Programming
      2. Descriptive Programming Syntax
        1. Description Strings
        2. Description Objects
      3. Regular Expressions
      4. Child Objects
      5. Converting an OR-Based Test Script to a DP-Based Test Script
        1. OR-Based Test Script Code
        2. DP-based Test Script Code
      6. Using DP-Based Object Repository
      7. Working with Multiple Opened Browsers
      8. Function to Close All Opened Browsers
        1. Usage
      9. Function to Close All Opened Browsers Except the One Which was Opened First
        1. Usage
      10. Advantages of Descriptive Programming
      11. Disadvantages of Descriptive Programming
      12. Comparison of or and DP Approaches
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    11. Chapter 22: Synchronization
      1. Synchronization Methods
        1. Sync
        2. Wait
        3. WaitProperty
        4. Exist
      2. Defining Default Timeout Time
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    12. Chapter 23: Checkpoints
      1. Checkpoint
        1. QTP Inbuilt Checkpoints
        2. Coded Checkpoints
      2. Regular Expressions in Coded Checkpoints
      3. Standard Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Standard Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Standard Checkpoint
      4. Table Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Table Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Table Checkpoint
      5. Page Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Page Checkpoint Using Record/playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Page Checkpoint
      6. Image Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Image Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Image Checkpoint
      7. Bitmap Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Bitmap Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Bitmap Checkpoint
      8. Text Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Text Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Text Checkpoint
      9. Text Area Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Text Area Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
        2. Scripting Coded Text Area Checkpoint
      10. Database Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Database Checkpoint Using QTP Database Checkpoint
        2. Scripting Coded Database Checkpoint
      11. Accessibility Checkpoint
        1. Inserting Accessibility Checkpoint Using Record/Playback Method
      12. XML Checkpoint
        1. Scripting Coded XML Checkpoint
          1. Quick Tips
          2. Practical Questions
    13. Chapter 24:Debugging
      1. Breakpoints
      2. Step Commands
      3. Debug Viewer Pane
        1. Watch tab
        2. Variables tab
        3. Command tab
      4. Missing Resources Pane
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    14. Chapter 25: Recovery Scenario and Error Handler
      1. Modifying QuickTest Test Settings
      2. Recovery Scenarios
      3. Recovery Scenario Design
      4. Recovery Scenario Object
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
      5. Adding Recovery Scenario to Scripts at Run-Time
      6. Scenarios Where Recovery Scenario Fails
      7. VBScript Error Handlers
        1. Methods
        2. Quick Tips
        3. Practical Questions
    15. Chapter 26: Test Results
      1. Result Details
        1. Test Result Analysis
      2. Test Result Filters
      3. Reporter Object
      4. Customizing Test Results
        1. Inserting Custom Statements in Test Results
        2. Inserting Image Files in Test Results
      5. HTML Test Results
      6. Screen Recorder Tab
      7. Setting Test Run Options
      8. Exporting Captured Movie Files
      9. System Monitor Tab
        1. Local System Monitor Settings
        2. Exporting System Monitor Tab Results
      10. How to Jump To A Step In QuickTest
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    16. Chapter 27: Working with PuTTY
      1. Open PuTTY
        1. Activate PuTTY Window
        2. Maximize PuTTY Window
        3. Execute Commands on PuTTY Window without TE Add-in
        4. Function to Execute Batch/Job File on PuTTY Window
    17. Chapter 28: Windows Scripting
      1. Managing Files
        1. Methods
      2. Accessing File Properties
      3. Managing Folders
        1. Methods
      4. Accessing Folder Properties
      5. Enumerating Files and Folders
        1. Enumerating Folders
        2. Enumerating Sub Folders
        3. Enumerating Files Inside Sub Folders
        4. Enumerating Files Inside a Drive
      6. Connecting to Network Computers
        1. Enumerating Files Inside a Folder
        2. Windows Task Manager
        3. Windows Environment Variables
      7. Windows Script Host (WSH)
        1. Scheduling Script Execution
        2. Simulating Keyboard Events
        3. Timed Pop-up Window
        4. System Computer Name and Username
      8. Windows API (Application Programming Interface)
        1. Extern Object
        2. Quick Tips
        3. Practical Questions
  9. Section 4: Advanced QTP
    1. Chapter 29: QTP Automation Object Model
      1. Automating QTP
      2. Launching QuickTest
        1. VBScript
        2. Visual Basic
        3. JavaScript
        4. Visual C++
      3. Launching QuickTest on Remote Machine
        1. Setting DCOM Configuration Settings
        2. Setting QuickTest Run Options
        3. Creating a QuickTest Application Object on Remote Machine
        4. Executing Desired Test Script on Remote QTP Machine
      4. QuickTest Object Model
        1. Application Object
        2. Methods
      5. Objectrepositories Collection Object
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
      6. Testlibraries Collection Object
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
      7. Recovery Object
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
      8. Recovery Scenario Object
        1. Properties
      9. Runsettings Object
        1. Properties
      10. Runoptions Object
        1. Properties
      11. Test Object (1/2)
      12. Test Object (2/2)
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
        3. Quick Tips
        4. Practical Questions
    2. Chapter 30: HTML DOM
      1. HTML DOM
      2. HTML DOM Objects (1/3)
      3. HTML DOM Objects (2/3)
      4. HTML DOM Objects (3/3)
        1. Document Object
        2. HTML Element Object
        3. Document Object Methods
        4. Quick Tips
        5. Practical Questions
    3. Chapter 31: Working with Notepad
      1. Methods
      2. Properties
      3. Creating a New Notepad File
      4. Open an Existing Notepad File
      5. Append Data to an Existing Notepad File
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Question
    4. Chapter 32: Working with Microsoft Excel
      1. Excel Object Model
        1. Creating an Instance of Excel Application
        2. Creating a New Workbook and Worksheet
        3. Open an Existing Workbook
        4. Read an Excel Workbook
        5. Write to an Excel Workbook
        6. Search for a String in Excel Workbook
        7. Replace All Occurrences of a String with Another String in Excel Workbook
        8. Modifying Excel Cell Properties
        9. Deleting all Blank Rows of a Worksheet
        10. To Access Data of an Already Opened Excel File
        11. To Save an Excel File Which Opens Dynamically in Application
      2. Excel Object Browser
      3. Excel as Database (1/2)
      4. Excel as Database (2/2)
        1. DSN-less Connection
        2. Advantages of Using MS Excel vs. MS Access as Test Cases and Test Data Set
        3. Quick Tips
        4. Practical Questions
    5. Chapter 33: Working with Database
      1. Connection Object
        1. Property
        2. Methods
      2. Recordset Object
        1. Property
        2. Methods
        3. Collections
        4. Property
      3. Connection to a Database
        1. DSN Connection
        2. DSN-less Connection
        3. Connection String for DSN-Less Connection
      4. Connecting to MS Excel Database
      5. Connecting to MS Access Database
      6. Connecting to MS SQL Server Database
      7. Connecting to Oracle Database
      8. Function to Execute Query on Oracle DB
        1. Quick Tips
        2. Practical Questions
    6. Chapter 34: Working with XML
      1. XML Structure
      2. XML DOM
        1. Methods
        2. Properties
      3. QTP XML Objects (1/2)
      4. QTP XML Objects (2/2)
        1. Loading XML File
        2. Saving XML File
        3. Retrieving XML File Data in a Single String
        4. Reading XML File
        5. Reading XML from Web Browser
        6. Comparing XML Files
        7. Converting XML to Excel File
        8. Exporting XML Data to Array
        9. Quick Tips
        10. Practical Questions
    7. Chapter 35: Working with Microsoft Word
      1. Word Automation Object Model
        1. Creating an Instance of Word Application
        2. Creating a New Document
        3. Opening an Existing Document
        4. Adding Picture to Documents
        5. Printing Documents
        6. Formatting Text in Documents
        7. Counting Words and Characters in Documents
        8. Searching for Text in Documents
        9. Replacing Texts in Documents
        10. Creating Tables in Documents
        11. Quick Tips
        12. Practical Questions
    8. Chapter 36: Working with E-Mail Client
      1. Microsoft Outlook
        1. Object Model
        2. Launching Microsoft Outlook
        3. Login to Outlook
        4. Sending an E-mail
        5. Outlook Security Dialog Box
        6. Enumerating Mailbox Folders
        7. Reading E-mail Messages
        8. Downloading Attachments
      2. IBM Lotus Notes (1/2)
      3. IBM Lotus Notes (2/2)
        1. Launching Lotus Notes
        2. Sending E-mail
        3. Sending E-mail with Attachments
        4. Sending E-mails using Telnet via Gmail
        5. Launching QTP Using an E-mail Trigger
        6. Quick Tips
        7. Practical Questions
    9. Chapter 37: Integrating QTP with Quality Center
      1. Integrating QTP with QC
        1. QC Database
        2. Connecting QTP with QC Database
        3. Connecting with QC Database without Using QTP Object Reference
        4. Export QC Test Cases to Excel Via QTP
        5. Export QC Test Cases to Excel without QTP
        6. Executing QC Test Suite Using an E-mail Trigger
        7. Quick Tips
        8. Practical Questions
  10. Section 5: Test Automation Lab
    1. Chapter 38: ASTARC—Advanced Synchronous Test Automation Remote Controller
      1. Introduction
      2. Test Automation Lab (1/2)
      3. Test Automation Lab (2/2)
        1. Architecture
        2. Components
        3. Workflow
        4. Test Automation Manager: Overview
  11. Section 6: Functional Testing 11
    1. Chapter 39: What’s New in Functional Testing 11
      1. New Features
        1. Manage Test Data
        2. Test GUI and UI-less Application Functionality in One Test
        3. New Run Results Viewer
        4. Identify Objects not Only in Relation to Each Other But in Relation to Neighboring Objects
        5. Log Tracking
        6. Support for Web 2.0 Toolkit Applications
        7. Firefox Support
        8. XPath- and CSS-based Object Identifications
        9. Event Identifiers
        10. Embed/Run JavaScript in Web Pages
        11. Automatically Parameterize Steps
        12. New Silverlight Add-in
        13. Extend WPF and Silverlight Support
        14. Use Extensibility Accelerator for Web Add-in Extensibility Development
        15. Easy-to-Design Regular Expressions
        16. Load Function Libraries at Run-Time
        17. Avoid Downtime due to License Server Failures
        18. Improved Documentation
      2. Product Enhancements
        1. New Object Spy Functionality
        2. Compare, Merge, and Export Object Repositories with CheckPoints and Output Values
        3. Add Images to Run Results
        4. New Dual Monitor Support
        5. New Web Test Object Operations
        6. New Wpf Table Test Objects
        7. Hide the Keyword View
        8. Enable Running QTP Tests on Minimized RDP Session Windows
        9. Business Process Testing Enhancements
        10. Web Add-in Extensibility Enhancements
        11. New Supported Sperating Systems and Environments
        12. New browsers supported by QTP 11
    2. Chapter 40: Business Process Testing
      1. Life Cycle of BPT
      2. Creating Business Components
        1. Creating Manual Business Components
      3. Defining Component Details
      4. Adding Snapshot
      5. Defining Business Component Parameters
        1. Defining Input Parameters
        2. Defining Output Parameters
      6. Adding Design Steps
      7. Converting Manual Component to Automated Component
      8. Opening Automated Component in Quicktest
      9. Creating Business Process Tests
        1. Creating Business Process Test
        2. Adding Components to a Business Process Test
        3. Defining Input Parameters of the Business Components
        4. Defining Fail Condition of a Business Process Test
      10. Debugging Business Process Tests
      11. Creating Test Set
      12. Executing Test Set
      13. Developing Business Components
      14. Creating Application Area
  12. Appendices
    1. Appendix A—Test Script Template
    2. Appendix B—Scripting Guidelines
    3. Appendix C—Vbscript Naming Conventions
      1. Variable Naming Conventions
      2. Naming Conventions of Objects in OR
      3. Action Naming Convention
    4. Appendix D—Script Review Checklist
    5. Appendix E—Test Tool Evaluation Chart
    6. Appendix F—Object Identification Standards for a Typical Web Application
    7. Appendix G—Quicktest Pro System Requirements
    8. Appendix H—HP Functional Testing 11 Product Availability Matrix (1/3)
    9. Appendix H—HP Functional Testing 11 Product Availability Matrix (2/3)
    10. Appendix H—HP Functional Testing 11 Product Availability Matrix (3/3)
    11. HP Quicktest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix Appendix
  13. Index (1/2)
  14. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Test Automation and (QTP: QTP 9.2, QTP 9.5, QTP 10.0 and Functional Test 11.0) by Pearson
  • Author(s): Rajeev Gupta
  • Release date: May 2024
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9781299444744