Chapter 20. Test Fixtures and a Decorator for Explicit Waits

Now that we have a functional authentication system, we want to use it to identify users, and be able to show them all the lists they have created.

To do that, we’re going to have to write FTs that have a logged-in user. Rather than making each test go through the (time-consuming) login email dance, we want to be able to skip that part.

This is about separation of concerns. Functional tests aren’t like unit tests, in that they don’t usually have a single assertion. But, conceptually, they should be testing a single thing. There’s no need for every single FT to test the login/logout mechanisms. If we can figure out a way to “cheat” and skip that part, we’ll spend less time waiting for duplicated test paths.


Don’t overdo de-duplication in FTs. One of the benefits of an FT is that it can catch strange and unpredictable interactions between different parts of your application.


This chapter has only just been rewritten for the new edition, so let me know via if you spot any problems or have any suggestions for improvement!

Skipping the Login Process by Pre-creating a Session

It’s quite common for a user to return to a site and still have a cookie, which means they are “pre-authenticated”, so this isn’t an unrealistic cheat at all. Here’s how you can set it up:


from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import BACKEND_SESSION_KEY, 

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