Before we start writing steps, install the PhantomJS browser. The instructions for your operating system can be found at
With PhantomJS installed, it is time to specify a few Gradle dependencies:
dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+' testCompile 'org.jbehave:jbehave-core:3.+' testCompile 'com.codeborne:selenide:2.+' testCompile 'com.codeborne:phantomjsdriver:1.+' }
You are already familiar with JUnit and JBehave Core, which was set up earlier. Two new additions are Selenide and PhantomJS. Refresh Gradle dependencies so that they are included in your IDEA project.
Now, it is time to add the PhantomJS WebDriver to our Steps class:
public class Steps { private WebDriver webDriver; @BeforeStory ...