


Business Design

In the design loop you shape and reshape your business idea to turn it into the best possible value proposition and business model. Your first iterations are based on your intuition and starting point (product idea, technology, market opportunity, etc.). Subsequent iterations are based on evidence and insights from the testing loop.


The design loop has three steps.

  1. Ideate

    In this first step you try to come up with as many alternative ways as possible to use your initial intuition or insights from testing to turn your idea into a strong business. Don’t fall in love with your first ideas.

  2. Business Prototype

    In this second step you narrow down the alternatives from ideation with business prototypes. When you start out you might use rough prototypes like napkin sketches. Subsequently, use the Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas to make your ideas clear and tangible. In this book we use these two tools to break ideas into smaller testable chunks. You will constantly improve your business prototypes with insights from testing in future iterations.

  3. Assess

    In this last step of the design loop you assess the design of your business prototypes. ...

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