B References
B.1 Literature
[Aho et al. 06]
Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey Ullman
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Addison Wesley, 2nd edition, 2006
[Anderson 10]
David J. Anderson
Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business
Blue Hole Press, 2010
[Bashir/Goel 99]
Imran Bashir, Amrit Goel
Testing Object-Oriented Software: Life Cycle Solutions
Springer, New York, 1999 (reprint 2012)
[Beck/Andres 04]
Kent Beck, Cynthia Andres
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (2nd edition)
Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam, 2004.
[Beedle et al. 99]
Mike Beedle, Martine Devas, Yonat Sharon, Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland
Scrum: An Extension Pattern Language for Hyperproductive Software
Addison-Wesley ...
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