Chapter 14
Expand—Never Contract
As of the writing of this book, our country is still experiencing very serious economic stress. Unemployment numbers and financial uncertainty are reaching heights not seen since the Great Depression. During major economic contractions like these, the world becomes convinced to reduce, save, be careful, and stay cautious. Although this mind-set focuses on self-preservation and protection of assets, it is the very kind of thinking that will guarantee you never get what you want. And although the majority of the world has entered a state of contraction, small percentages of people and companies are still capitalizing by expanding. These people understand that these times of tightening are unique opportunities to take from those who are taking a defensive posture by reducing spending.
Because contracting is a form of retreating, it violates the concept of the 10X Rule, which demands that you continue to act, produce, and create in massive quantities regardless of the situation or circumstances. I will admit that it can be very difficult and counterintuitive to expand while others are taking protective measures. However, it's an approach you must adopt in order to take advantage of opportunity. Remember: Regardless of what is happening in the world at any given time, most people are not taking massive action. Although there are, of course, times when you must defend, retreat, and conserve, you should only do so for short periods of time—in order to ...