CHAPTER 8 Confront the Truth (Optional Section)

This section is optional, but then so is success!

Each week of your 12 Week Year is an opportunity to either move forward, or to lose ground. The choice is yours.

If you want to achieve your 12 week goals, it is vital that you learn to confront the truth about your performance each week. If you are scoring your week and you are tracking at least one lead and lag measure for each of your 12 week goals, you have what you need to get better every week and dramatically increase your odds of being successful with your 12 Week Year.

When you take ownership of your goal, that ownership is manifested in your actions. The first actions that indicate that you own your plan are: (1) consistently scoring your week, (2) working from a written weekly plan, and (3) attending a weekly accountability meeting—either in a WAM with your peers, with a coach, or with an accountability partner.

The next level of ownership is evidenced by how effectively you confront the truth. Specifically, you need to face the truth about your execution. Each week you have a choice: to do the work to get better, or to avoid discomfort and the work. It is that simple—and it is that hard.

Becoming great isn’t an intellectual process. It isn’t a complex process. In reality, it is an amazingly simple process. The path to becoming great is simply doing the work, and that is usually uncomfortable.

This is the reason why most people don’t try to get better, and often why ...

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