About the Authors

Gonzalo Camarillo

Gonzalo Camarillo leads the Multimedia Signaling Research Laboratory of Ericsson in Helsinki, Finland. He is an active participant in the IETF, where he has authored and co-authored several specifications used in the IMS. In particular, he is a co-author of the main SIP specification, RFC 3261. Gonzalo is a member of the IAB (Internet Architecture Board) and the IETF liaison manager to 3GPP. In addition, he co-chairs the IETF SIPPING working group, which handles the requirements from 3GPP and 3GPP2 related to SIP, and the IETF HIP (Host Identity Protocol) working group, which deals with lower-layer mobility and security. He is the Ericsson representative in the SIP Forum and is a regular speaker at different industry conferences. During his stay as a visitor researcher at Columbia University in New York, USA, he published a book entitled “SIP Demystified”. Gonzalo received an M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, and another M.Sc. degree (also in Electrical Engineering) from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is currently continuing his studies as a Ph.D. candidate at Helsinki University of Technology, in Finland.

Miguel A. García-Martín

Miguel A. García-Martín is a System Expert of Ericsson in Madrid, Spain. In the past he has been a Senior Standardization Specialist in the Industry Environment unit of Nokia Siemens Networks in Espoo, Finland and a Principal Research Engineer ...

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