

accountability, levels of, 75–77

Adams, Abigail, 32

Adams, John, 31, 32

Ahn Chung Si, 24

Alexander the Great, 139

Alibaba, 130

Anderson, Brad, 12

Angelou, Maya, xv

AOL, 12

apprehension, 77

approval, seeking, 131–33

Arendt, Hannah, xvi

Aristotle, 31, 81–82

Atari, 12


Bennis, Warren, 2

bias, overcoming, 37–39

Blockbuster, 11, 107

blue zone, 77–82

Borders, 12

boundaries, creating, 134–35

Branden, Nathaniel, 37

Brigham Young University, 27, 56, 57

Bronkhorst, Babette, 54


Camus, Albert, 9

candor-for-cover concept, 100–102, 116

Caterpillar, 69–70

challenger safety

creating, 99–102, 120–21

importance of, 13–14

innovation and, 12–14

lack of, 11–12, 100–101, 104–5, 111–12

leaders and, 116–19

offensive innovation and, 69

permission and, 103 ...

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