Chapter 14Dorothy's Revelation—Neuron Secret One Redux
No matter how dreary and gray our homes are … there's no place like home.
The Principle of Prosperity: To prosper, you must love yourself by being humble and teachable.
Jeff Jones is an executive vice president at SkylineDx BV, a leading biotechnology firm located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Today he is responsible for executing complex global strategic plans for market development and commercialization for the firm's medical diagnostic solutions. A few decades ago, his missions were far more dangerous.
“I volunteered for U.S. Navy SEAL teams when I was 20,” said Jeff. “I knew the training would be challenging, but I didn't know that I'd be only one of fifteen guys to graduate from a class of fifty‐six.”
The training Jeff completed was at the Navy SEAL Basic Training Command, or BUD/S, which stands for Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL.
Said Jeff, “Most people know that Navy SEAL training is the most demanding, dangerous, and difficult in the world. A large majority who start BUD/S never make it all the way through. They ring the bell and wash out.”
The bell Jeff referred to is an old Navy ship bell that's attached to a stanchion in the courtyard. A trainee who has had enough ...
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