An image depicts the gathering of people enjoying a campfire with three tenants along the frame areas. Four different illustration are placed in each corner respectively.

The entire concept of building a personal brand is understanding that you're sharing your expertise, your value, and your credibility. But more than anything, building a personal brand is all about serving your tribe; it's about your ability to lead others—not your ability to promote yourself.

So many brands get this wrong when promoting themselves on social media. They often showcase how perfect they are, how wonderful their life is, and so on. But what's in it for the visitor? To truly master personal branding is to truly understand what exactly the visitor wants from you, what they would find valuable about you, and what use it is to them—essentially, to convert them from a visitor into a tribe member.

The process of building a tribe and earning their trust—and then developing products and monetizing your personal brand—is so intertwined that it's impossible to separate them out into distinct chapters. So though we'll generally proceed conveying the philosophy behind it all before turning to more tangible execution, there will be some echoes in the forecasting, and some follow‐up before getting started.

Also, it's crucial that you have a very strong sense of all that needs to be done before a prospective tribe member gets a whiff of anything being sought from them. (Spoiler alert: no one should ever get a whiff that something will be requested ...

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