The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Booklet for June 2013 CC Release 13
Side tile
is field must be activated
in order to display the
auto-generated corners
Auto Generated
Corner Tiles
Gustavo Del Vechio
For his latest PDF booklet, Illustrator
CC. O que há de novo?
(translated as
Illustrator CC: What´s new?), art-
ist and author Gustavo Del Vechio
created a pattern brush that would
demonstrate the various options
available with the new auto-gener-
ated corners in Illustrator CC. He’s
very kindly sharing with us his clear diagrams
and explanation of the way corner tiles are
formed from the side tile. Note that in Pattern
Brush Options, Show Auto Generated Corner
Tiles is enabled by default, so if you don’t see
them in the list of corner tiles, makes sure that’s
still enabled. There are a few basic strategies
that Illustrator uses to calculate corners for you,
and combines them in various combinations.
These include stretching your pattern (like an
Art brush), copying and then overlaying exten-
sions of the patterns, and finally, making cuts
or “slicing” parts of the pattern in various ways,
deleting the extraneous bits. These auto-gen-
erated tiles will fit with the side tile, but don’t
forget to look at your choices for both the
Outer Corner and the Inner Corner, found on
either side of your side tile in the Pattern Brush
dialog, to make sure you have corners that both
fit well and look good. See the following pages
for a closer look at auto-corner options.
DEL VECHIO by permission from Illustrator CC. O que há de novo?
14 The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Booklet for June 2013 CC Release
Copy of the side tile e result of turning
e brush
applied to
the pathDirection of the turn
Two copies of the side tile
e Auto-Between
results (joined)
e Auto-Between
results (separated)
e brush
applied to
the path
Two copies of the side tile
of the brush
over a path
e Auto-Between
results (joined)
e Auto-Between
results (separated)
Gustavo Del Vechio
Auto-Centered tiles are formed by the side tile
stretching along the path like an Art brush and
forcing it to make a 90° turn at the corner. Any
Auto-Between uses two copies of the side tile,
one in a vertical orientation, the other turned
horizontally by 90°, manipulated to fit the geo-
metric shape that represents one half of the
corner. Illustrator cuts each at the upper-left
corner at a 45° angle, then joins them together
along that cut. You’ll notice distortions when
extraneous portion of the pattern gets trimmed
to make a smooth join, but the side tile itself
isn’t cut apart.
the side tile isn’t square; the more rectangular
the area, the more distortion will occur. If the
objects are round, the level of distortion in the
tile is even more obvious. For example, a com-
position with straight lines (above, top) looks
less distorted than one using ellipses (directly
The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Booklet for June 2013 CC Release 15
e initial
the slices
e final
the excess
e brush
applied to
the path
e result of the cut
e brush
applied to
the path
Cutting two copies of the side tile
Gustavo Del Vechio
Auto-Sliced also uses two copies of the side tile.
Illustrator again orients one side tile vertically
and one horizontally, then finds the center of
the tile. It next makes a cut at a 45° angle, top
Auto-Overlap uses two copies of the side tile,
one oriented vertically and one horizontally,
to align the tiles on their center points. It then
removes any excess that extends above or to
the left of the tiles. The two remaining sections
left to bottom right, through the center of each
copy. After deleting the top portion of the ver-
tical tile and the left portion of the horizontal
tile, it joins the copies along the cut to form the
corner tile.
For Auto-Corners to Work…
In the Pattern Brush Options field, the field
Show Auto Generated Corner Tiles must be
enabled in order for you to have access to
the four methods of auto corners.
An Inny or an Outy?
You must separately set corner methods
(None, Auto Generated, or from selected art)
from pop-ups on either side of the main pat-
tern (side) tile; set Outer corners on the left
and Inner corners on the right.
still overlap at their center, but the tile is cut
along the overlap edge, the hidden portion is
deleted, and the two parts are joined into the
corner tile.

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