
1:1 previews, 108-109, 110, 385, 403

8-bit vs. 16-bit images, 435

16-bit printing option, 478

64-bit operating systems, 17


actions, export, 442-444

Activity Center, 37-38

Address Lookup option, 37

Adjustment brush, 298-313

Auto Mask option, 302-303, 306

brush stroke editing, 300

Clarity adjustments, 304, 312-313

Color effect, 306-307

exposure dodging, 301

initial options, 298-300

moiré reduction, 409-411

pin position/edits, 300

previewing stroke areas, 304

saving effect settings, 300

selective noise reduction, 408-409

Shadows adjustments, 310-311

Sharpness adjustments, 312-313

Soften Skin effect, 304-305

Temp and Tint adjustments, 308-309

Adobe Bridge. See Bridge program

Adobe Camera Raw. See Camera Raw

Adobe cloud servers, 3, 656

Adobe ...

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